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Financial Processes


To the greatest extent possible, all grant-funded payroll is to be submitted to the GM Department, the GM team will then review and submit to the Payroll Department on a biweekly basis via electronic upload.  The GM team must review a hard copy of the Payroll Upload Spreadsheet with the time sheet records attached prior to submission.  Time sheet records will be accepted without an upload on a limited basis in arranged situations.  (See the Employee / Payroll 2020-2021 section for files)

Journal Entries

As a result of grant expenditures being charged to the incorrect accounts or incorrectly posted to the general ledger, there is a continual need to monitor expenditures and submit appropriate correcting entries to the GM Department as needed for all grant related journal entries.  The GM team will determine the format and procedure for preparing journal entries and will then submit to the Accounting Department to be posted to the general ledger.

Reimbursement Requests

All grant reimbursement requests require approval and process by the GM Department and are reviewed by the GM Billing Specialist before submission to the respective funding agency.  Requests must be submitted on a timely and consistent basis to insure adequate cash flow to the district.  The GM team will work collaboratively with the Accounting Department to develop periodic cash/revenue reconciliation reports for the GM Director.

Budget Setup, Maintenance and Monitoring

All program budgets require Board Finance Committee, Full Board and PED approval prior to activation within the financial system.  The GM team, in collaboration with the respective project/program managers, will be responsible for all grant budget setup and maintenance.  Requests for new budget accounts are to be submitted to the GM Department for approval and setup within the financial system, including the requesters and approvers as permissible by program.  Depending upon the funding source and type of expenditure, all grant expenditures require approval by the assigned GM Technician or Grant Coordinator.  Expenditures are monitored to assure compliance with grant requirements, Federal and State regulations and district policies.

This page was last updated on: May 27, 2011.