Attendance Frequently Asked Questions
Families with children in Albuquerque Public Schools often have questions regarding attendance and attendance procedures. You will find answers to frequently asked questions regarding attendance.
Who can help? Common attendance issues:
- Getting ready for Kindergarten
- Classroom/school issue – contact your child's teacher or Special Education at your child's school
- Social emotional issue – contact the Counseling Services Department
- Medical issue – contact Nursing Services Department or other health care provider
What is chronic absence?
Chronic absence is missing 10%, or more of school days. For the Traditional School Year calendar, students have 178 instructional days. A child who is considered chronically absent would miss 17.8 days of school or more.
What absences are excused?
Absences may be excused for the following reasons with proper notification:
- Illness (including chronic illness documented on a health plan, IEP or 504 plan)
- Limited family emergencies
- Family Deaths
- Medical, health or legal appointments
- Religious commitments
- College visits
- Deployment of a military parent
- Limited extenuating circumstances as approved in advance by the school principal
- Tribal obligations
Who do I call when my child is sick and won't be at school
You will call your child's school front office. You can also enter an absence in ParentVUE.
Who do I contact when my child will be out of school for an extended period of time?
Contact your child's teacher, and the school front office to provide documentation for extended absences.