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School Attendance Performance Framework

APS Tiered Approach to School Attendance

Tiered Approach to School Attendance

APS Tiered Approach to School Attendance

Tier 1 - 
Whole School Prevention

  • Awareness
  • Data and Attendance Systems
  • Culture of Attendance
  • Full Staff/Student/Family Engagement
  • School Attendance Plan
All Students

Tier 2 -
Individualized Prevention

5% - 9% Absenteeism
(9 to 17 Days Missed)

Tier 3 -
Early Intervention

10% - 19% Chronic Absenteeism
(*18 to 36 Days Missed)

Tier 4 -
Intensive Support

20% + Chronic Absenteeism
(*37 Days Missed)



Students, staff, families, and the community are aware of the importance of high levels of attendanceAttachment
Encourage connections between students, families, and the school.

Outreach / Intervention

Outreach and interventions are provided to students and families in a systematic and targeted manner

Attendance Team / Systems

Schools have Attendance Teams and data-centered systems and processes to support the tiered approach (including a school plan and staff training)

Critical School Strategies/Activities


  • All schools will meet the requirements for the School Attendance Performance Framework
  • All schools will conduct a school level data review, develop/implement/reflect on an annual School Attendance Plan, and shall submit the plan to NMPED

General/Tier 1 Expectations

  • School climate/culture of attendance (awareness, incentives, discussion, and parent/teacher conferences, etc.)
  • Strong student, family, and staff engagement and partnerships
  • Strong data systems (taking/entering attendance, analysis, use, etc.)
  • All contacts, plans and interventions documented in Synergy
  • Staff expectations, training, and support
  • Directory of school, district, and community resources and services

Specific Steps for Tiers 2-4

  1. Establish clear protocols and expectations for which staff provide what forms of outreach and intervention to students/families at each tier.
  2. Use data to identify students that meet the absence threshold for each tier.
  3. Provide early outreach to students and families.
  4. Conduct an assessment of the root causes of absences.
  5. Develop an attendance plan (as appropriate for each tier) with the student/family. Include both incentives, as well as a discussion of the consequences of continued absences.
  6. Offer resources/support/referrals to reduce barriers to attendance.
  7. Monitor progress; either celebrate success or review/ update the plan.
  8. Refer the student to the Health and Wellness / Student Assistance Team, etc. as needed for wrap-around support and services.

Student and School Benchmarks by Tier

Tier 4

  • Assessment of root causes of absences and resources to support attendance
  • Specialized supports offered (e.g. substance use counseling, tutoring, etc.)
  • Referral and coordination to/with school/district/community supports
  • An intensive Support Intervention Plan was developed/implemented with the student and family

Tier 3

  • Assessment of root causes of absences and resources to support attendance
  • Referral and coordination with school/district/community supports
  • Early Intervention Plan developed/implemented with student and family

 Tier 2

  • Families know that the school is concerned, wants to partner, will share resources
  • The impact/consequences of absences are shared with the student/family
  • Students and/or family receive multiple outreach contacts and conversations
  • Individual Student Prevention Plan developed/implemented with student/family

Tier 1

  • Families know how to report absences
  • Students and families understand the importance of attendance
  • Families understand that help is available
  • All staff are trained, engaged, and committed to conducting attendance activities