The APS School Police provide many services to ensure employee safety and to help keep buildings secure.
Need to contact the APS Police?
Call the APS School Police dispatch at (505) 243-7712, or (505) 238-4203.
Information for Employees
Employee Identification Badges
Learn about Employee badges: how to get a badge, what to do if you've lost your badge or if someone with access has a change in status, and what types of badges are available.
Active Shooter Training Registration
School administrators need to email School Police at schoolsafetytraining@aps.edu to register for the Active Shooter Training. Please include at least a couple of PD dates that will work best for your site to conduct this training.
- Call Dispatch at (505) 243-7712 for your School Safety Procedures security passcode.
- Call Kathryn Reed, Student, Family and Community Supports, at (5050 855-9821 for your Site Safety Plan security access code.
- Passcodes will not be emailed per district security policy.
School Safety Procedures
School Safety Procedures Link
The new School Safety Procedures Website Portal will be used to access the following:
Emergency Contact List
- School administrators will use the Emergency Contact List to keep a record of emergency contacts at each school site. School administrators must submit 4 school employees (only four) as contacts for an emergency.
Authorized School Access List
- School administrators will use the Authorized School Access List to keep a record of school staff authorized to sign in/out after school hours.
- The Access Authorization Form document will no longer be accepted by Police Dispatch.
- Please submit your employee’s names for authorized facilities access via the Authorized School Access List website.
- We ask that site administrators keep their employee's name updated.
Emergency Safety Drills
- School administrators will use the Emergency Safety Drills site to keep a record of school-required emergency drills.
- Please remember to contact School Police Dispatch prior to conducting an emergency drill.
School Site Safety Plans
- School administrators will use the School Site Safety Plans site to upload annual Site Safety Plan updates.
This page was last updated on:
October 6, 2010.