College and Career Resources
College Career Resources for high school students.
Greetings! My name is Sara Money and I am the Indian Education College Career Readiness Counselor.
Are you ready to figure out what career would be best for you? I would encourage you to first watch the video "The Insufficient Degree." It is important to figure out WHAT you want to do before you figure out WHERE you want to go. (See video below).
Seals & Stole Award Information
Steps to Figuring Out Career Possibilities
Step 1: Watch Video
Find out why it is important to figure out WHAT you want to do before you figure out WHERE you want to go.
Step 2: Career Exploration
The New Mexico Department of WorkForce Solutions has two amazing tools to help guide students for career opportunities:
- Career Exploration: The process of identifying careers you're interested in is called career exploration. Take the time now to evaluate who you are and what you want so you can get started on the right path.
- Why I Work: A financial tool that shows you how much money you need to make to afford the things you want and need. Use "Why I Work" to get an idea of how much you need to earn and explore occupations with wages that match what you need.
Step 3: Look for Opportunities!
- Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) New Mexico: Paid on-the-job training with local contractors and evening classroom instruction at NO COST to the Apprentice: Carpentry (4 years), Electrical (4 years), HVAC-R Technician (4 years), Masonry (3 years), Plumbing (4 years), Sheet Metal (4 years).
- TLC Plumbing: Work full time, learn a trade, earn a license certificate or degree: Electrical, HVAC-R Technician, Plumbing Project Manager, and Auto/Diesel Mechanic
- Healthy Neighborhoods Albuquerque increases jobs and economic activity in neighborhoods in Albuquerque: Patient Transporter, Food service Aide, Patient Aide, Tech Patient Services, and Logistics Tech
- Military: Start the with Armed services Vocation Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) that is a test to measure your abilities and help predict future academic and occupational success in the military: Air Force, Army, Navy, New Mexico Army National Guard, Marines
- Court Reporting: Two years of school. Start with a 6-week class to learn the basics of steno theory in a virtual classroom environment. Email: for more information.
- Deep Dive Coding: Computer coding at an intensive training bootcamp. CNM Ingenuity, (505) 224-4717.
- Job Corps: You can live on campus for FREE and learn manufacturing, health care, automotive, hospitality and more!
High School Opportunities
Workfoce Innovation Opportunity Act program (WIOA): The WIOA youth program operates year-round providing job placement services to in-school youth and out-of-school youth ages 16-24. In addition to finding a job, we can help with alternative education, drop-out prevention, leadership, guidance and counseling, work experience, supportive services, adult mentoring, occupational skills training and follow-up.
BuzzCamp 2025: A Free, Hands-On STEM Experience at New Mexico Tech
Students will explore the exciting world of science, technology, engineering, and math. Join us for Buzzcamp 2025, a week-long, hands-on STEM camp held on the beautiful campus of New Mexico Tech University. This camp is completely free and open to students in middle school, early high school, and 11th–12th grade.
New Mexico Tech Summer stem Experience: Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) is a free program for 9th-12th grade students at Manzano, West Mesa, and Socorro High Schools interested in pursuing a college degree in math or science. We cater to first-generation, low-income students who are U.S. citizens desiring extra support and advisement. UBMS provides several services including after school tutoring, a 6-week residential program at New Mexico Tech or University of New Mexico, monthly student and parent workshops, cultural events, and opportunities to travel nation-wide visiting college campuses.
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI)
- Navajo 1 Dual Credit Course for Summer 2025
- Navajo Government Dual Credit Course Summer 2025
Contact Bobbi Brown at (505) 346-2382
The National Native American Youth Initiative (NNAYI): The Association of American Indian Physicians will select AI/AN high school students, ages 16 – 18, to attend the NNAYI program held June 21 – June 29, 2025, in Washington, D.C. AI/AN students planning to enter health careers are eligible to apply. Students are selected based on academic achievement, demonstrated interest in health sciences or biomedical research, leadership skills, and personal attributes. The NNAYI scholarship covers airfare, lodging, and most meals. The scholarship is awarded on a one-time basis only. NOTICE: The NNAYI Program is NOT a summer camp or sightseeing trip. It is an intense program with a rigorous schedule of all-day sessions and activities that may involve a lot of walking.
Highlands University Summer Bridge Academy:
- Four days to help students with basic academic preparation and guidance for college:
- Multiple learning experiences in English, social work, Education, Science, Media Technology and Studio Arts
- Assistance from Highlands University Student success Coaches
- Orientation activities on enhancing abilities needed to succeed in college
- Two museum visits in Santa Fe
Transportation, lodging, meals while at NMHU are all provided at no cost to students and families.
Additional College Resources
Test Preparation / Order Transcripts
Financial Aid and Scholarships
FAFSA is the "Free Application for Federal Student Aid." It is the first thing you should do to help pay for your college education. It will take about an hour, and most students qualify for $5,000 to $7,000 of federal money that DOES NOT NEED TO BE PAID BACK. After December 1, 2024 the application will open.
APS Scholarship Information: This is a link to scholarships, search engines, financial aid information and more. - Scholarship List on Google Doc
- Global Education: Opportunity to attend UNM and go to other Universities in the world and pay in-state tuition
- FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Assistance
- ABQ Coordinated Resource Guide
- Pathways U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs: The BIA Pathways Internship Program connects Native American and Alaska Native students to paid internships with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Tribal Nations across the United States.
- Central New Mexico Community College (CNM): Financial aid and scholarship services for future students.
- Harvard College: The university has announced new initiatives to get students from low to middle-income families to attend its' university.
- Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA)
- Job Corps: the Nation's largest free education and job training program for young adults. Can live on campus for free.
- Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI)
- New Mexico Highlands University: Awards three students full ride scholarship from each tribe in New Mexico.
- University of New Mexico: Admissions and recruitment services for prospective students.
- UNM Application Link
Native American Resources
- Indian Education Division at the New Mexico Higher Education Department
- Native American Scholarship College Opportunities (PDF)
- Native American College Student Support Guide
- Native American College Scholarship Opportunities (PDF)
- Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship & Financial Assistance (ONNSFA): Scholarship and application information for Navajo Nation students.
- Native Pathways to College
- Arizona State University
- ASU Indian Legal Program, Washington DC Experience
- ASU Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Indian Law
- ASU Pipeline to LAW Native American Law Workshop