Cultural Resources
Here are videos related to the Native American Culture.
Places to Visit
Videos Related to Native American Culture
- Zuni Language Teacher, Bernard Chimoni, Special Video
- Presentation on Sovereignty by Judge William JJ Platero at To’hajiilee Justice Day
- Paul Williams Jr. on Williams v. Lee case at Apache County, Special Recognition of Navajo Nation Sovereignty Day
- Peterson Zah on Sovereignty at Apache County, Special Recognition of Navajo Nation Sovereignty Day
- Treaty of 1868 Presentation by To’Hajiilee Community School students at To’hajiilee Justice Day
KRQE Zuni language classes help APS students connect to their culture
Indigenous Learning: A Spiritual Walk Lecture Series
Dr. Lloyd Lee and Dr. Glenbah Martinez, Dec. 14, 2020
Presenters: DR. Lloyd Lee, Associate Professor, Native American Studies and Dr. Glenbah Martinez, Associate Professor, Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies
Jasmine Yepa, Nov. 16, 2020
Presenter: Jasmine Yepa, Policy Analyst, UNM Native American Budget and Policy Institute
Title of Presentation: Yazzie / Martinez Decision: Then and Now
Jon Ghahate, Dec. 7, 2020
Dr. Gregory Cajete, Nov. 23, 2020
Presenter: Dr. Gregory Cajete, UNM Professor Emeritus
Title of Presentation: Culturally Responsive American Indian Education: A Native Science Approach
Laura Harris, Nov. 30, 2020
Presenter: Laura Harris, Executive Director, Americans for Indian Opportunity
Bernard Chimoni & Kevin Othole, Nov. 2, 2020
Presenters: Bernard Chimoni and Kevin Othole