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Tribal Information

It is the intent of the Albuquerque Public School District (APS) that all Native American children of school age have equal access to all programs, services and activities offered within the school district as specified in the Board of Education's policy IH9.

It is the purpose of the Indian Policies and Procedures (IPP) to establish a framework for a shared involvement and relationship with the Navajo Nation and the Pueblos of Acoma, Cochiti, Isleta, Jemez, Laguna, Sandia, San Felipe, Santa Ana, Santo Domingo, Zia and Tohajiilee (Canoncito Navajo) (All within a 50-mile radius of the school district) to develop and assess educational programs and activities offered by APS and to ensure that all school-age children enrolled in the district as well as families, guardians, and tribes have the opportunity for equal participation.

State and Federal Statutes

  • The Policies and Procedures (IPP): A federal requirement from Section 7004 of the Impact Aid law renewed annually.
  • The Indian Education Act: New Mexico Public Education Department “Implementing the Indian Education Act NMAC Title 6, Chapter 35, Part 2, 6.35.2. NMAC regulations.

Indian Policies and Procedural Directives

The IH9 states; INDIAN EDUCATION: The Board of Education of the Albuquerque Public Schools recognizes the importance of Native American students maintaining their traditions and values while obtaining educational skills to enable them to be responsible and productive students and members of society. The Board of Education desires to ensure educational opportunities for all students, including Native American students.

The Board of Education shall foster cooperation and maintain an open line of communication with tribal governments whose jurisdictional boundaries include areas within the Albuquerque Public Schools boundaries to verify, in accordance with state and federal law, which tribes agree with Albuquerque Public Schools Indian Education policies and procedures. The Superintendent, or his/her designee, shall draft appropriate Procedural Directives to implement this policy and assure compliance with state and federal Indian Education laws. Read the complete APS Procedural Directive IH9.

Additional Resources

Tribal Updates and Reports

APS Tribal Education Status Report

Status reports are to be completed by November 15 of each year by APS. The reports include the following information:

  • student achievement as measured by a statewide test approved by the department, with results disaggregated by ethnicity;
  • school safety; 
  • the dropout rate; 
  • attendance; 
  • parent and community involvement; 
  • educational programs targeting American Indian students; 
  • financial reports; 
  • current status of federal Indian education policies and procedures; 
  • school district initiatives to decrease the number of student dropouts and increase attendance; 
  • public school use of variable school calendars; and 
  • school district consultations with district Indian education committees, school-site parent advisory councils and tribal, municipal and Indian organizations; and 
  • indigenous research and evaluation measures and results for effective curricula for tribal students. 


Tribal Leader Summits and Consultations

APS hosts a Tribal Summit in the fall for Tribal Leaders to come together and see data related to Native American students. In the Spring, APS hosts a Tribal Consultation for leaders to come together and provide input on the federal funds for Native American students.


Impact Aid

Impact Aid is a Federal education program that reimburses school districts for the lost revenue and additional costs associated with the presence of nontaxable Federal property.

Because most public school districts are funded largely through local taxes and fees, and because Federal land is exempt from taxation, as are many of the businesses and facilities located on that land, districts are containing Federal property are at a financial disadvantage in funding their schools.


This page was last updated on: November 16, 2021.