Request for Travel Approval Process
Find out how to request approval to travel.
How Do I Request Travel?
Important: For Travel Reimbursement Requests
The Traveler should ensure they have Lawson vendor number for reimbursement of allowable travel expenses. Contact for assistance.
Step 1: Traveler Submits the Travel Request Form
- APS Employee identifies travel and collects information only (event, hotel, air-fare, transportation, etc.) for the Request for District Travel Form.
- APS Employee downloads, fills out completely, and signs Request for District Travel Form to obtain approval for travel.
- APS Employee submits the Request for District Travel Form to Supervisor for signature for approval.
- Important! The Request for District Travel Form is submitted to APS Accounts Payable with the following information attached:
- Conference/Event Registration details (could be from website). NOTE: Do not register.
- Hotel and room rate details (could be from website). NOTE: Do not reserve rooms.
- Flight details (could be from website). NOTE: Do not book flights.
Step 2: District Admin Completes Approval Workflow
- Request for Travel Form is reviewed for completeness by Accounts Payable
- Accounts Payable forwards Request for Travel Form to Grants Management Department for approval (if applicable).
- Grants Management Department reviews, approves and returns Request for Travel Form to Accounts Payable (if applicable).
- Accounts Payable forwards Request for Travel Form to Next Level Administrator and Superintendent or designee for approval.
- Approved Request for Travel Form is returned to Accounts Payable.
- Accounts Payable assigns TAN (Travel Authorization Number).
- Accounts Payable informs Traveler and/or Secretary/Bookkeeper that travel is approved and provides TAN (Travel Authorization Number) to Traveler and/or Secretary/Bookkeeper.
Step 3: Traveler Books the Travel
You can now register, reserve and/or book travel. Make sure to obtain receipts for the actual expenses.
- Traveler and/or Secretary/Bookkeeper finalizes travel expenses.
- Traveler and/or Secretary/Bookkeeper enters requisitions into Infor Lawson and adds TAN (Travel Authorization Number) to requisition comments section.
Attention! Make sure to include actual receipts and the Travel Authorization Form in AttachIt:
- Conference/Event Registration Document: NOTE: Register for Conference/Event
- Hotel Confirmation/Registration Document: NOTE: Reserve room
- Airfare Flight Itinerary/Confirmations: NOTE: Book flight(s)
Travel Quick Links
- Request for Travel Form and Instructions
- Guidelines for Travel Reimbursement
- Employee Travel Document Downloads
Contact Information
Main Phone:
(505) 880-2570
(505) 830-0660
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 25704
Albuquerque, NM 87125-0704
Physical Address: