Voter-Approved Capital Projects
Current Capital Strategy: 2023-2027
CMP Review Committee Meetings
2019 and 2021 Elections Overview
In 2019 and 2021, voters approved capital projects for major school/ district construction projects, as well as for line items that impact each school district-wide.
Examples of these line items include Fine Arts budget, Technology budget, School Furniture Renewal budget, School Playground Equipment budget, etc. See the tables below.
All About APS Funding
APS capital projects are prioritized through the Capital Master Plan Process, which guides capital budget planning and spending on facilities, technology, and educational equipment and is used to identify and address the School District’s long-term capital needs.
Every five years, the APS District contracts an architectural company to conduct an independent and highly involved facility evaluation of APS facilities districtwide. These evaluations result in overall facility scores for each facility for use in the prioritization of capital projects, and they also result in the cost estimates and priority timelines for capital projects at all APS facilities. These evaluations are integral to the formulation of the overall APS Capital Master Plan strategy.
Capital Master Plan Election Cycle Process
The Capital Master Plan Process is as follows:
- The APS Capital Master Plan department identifies needs through a technical procedure based on a comprehensive independent architectural, engineering, quantitative and qualitative, and technology assessment of all district facilities with respect to APS and state facility standards.
- APS technical staff uses the above assessment, along with other factors, including: equity, District-wide initiatives (such as Special Education (SPED), early childhood, Career and Technical Education (CTE), etc.), and budget, to prepare a preliminary draft of the project prioritization list to be voted on in the upcoming election.
- The Capital Master Plan Review Committee (consisting of community members and school principals) meets three times to review the Capital Master Plan prioritization for an upcoming election. During this series of meetings, the committee requests specific revisions and ultimately approves or disapproves of the Capital Master Plan. This Capital Master Plan reflects major capital/construction projects and line item capital budgets by category (i.e. Career Technical Education, Fine Arts, Furniture Refresh, etc.).
- APS Superintendent reviews the Capital Master Plan for approval.
- APS Board of Education reviews the Capital Master Plan for approval. If the APS Board of Education approves the Capital Master Plan, it is sent to the Bernalillo County Clerk to be included in the upcoming election.
- The final list of projects and accompanying budget is presented for a vote in the mill levy/GO bond election, where local voters approve or reject tax funding for the list.
Within this strategic plan, APS spends up to $300 Million per year on new construction, renovations, repairs, and technology.