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APS Right-Sizing

APS Right-Sizing: What is it, and Why is it important?

The Albuquerque Public Schools District, starting in 2016, created a technical methodology intending to operate more efficiently as a district while at the same time ensuring high academic outcomes and quality of academic offerings. The district has continued to lose student enrollment over the last decade. This exacerbates the ever-increasing costs of operating the District in the face of decreasing revenues.

Right-sizing is a term that has been adopted to ensure the following:

  • Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) District remains both academically and financially viable 
  • That equity and access to quality instruction, training, and programs are maintained for all our families
  • APS continues to fulfill its educational mandate to the community at a high level of excellence

APS Right-Sizing Methodology

Right-sizing priorities and opportunities are identified through a District Right-Sizing Administrative Committee that consists of the following:
  • Deputy Superintendent of Leadership & Learning
  • Deputy Superintendent of Operations
  • Chief Academic Officer
  • Chief of Schools  
  • Executive Director of Capital Master Plan
  • Executive Director of Budget and Strategic Planning
  • Executive Director of Innovation
All priorities and opportunities are derived through a methodology and analysis that takes all schools Districtwide and runs them through a prioritization matrix analyzing the following variables:
  • Capital Investments
  • Special Education 
  • Facility Utilization Rate
  • Enrollment
  • Equity
  • Facility Assessment/Condition
  • Financial Viability
  • Operational Efficiency of Facilities (utility bills, etc.)
  • Academic outcomes and proficiency
  • Socio-Economic/Income Levels of impacted communities
  • Specific needs of the impacted community (ELL %, SPED/IEP, Title I, Etc.)
Schools/Facilities/Programs are examined through this matrix to establish their long-term viability vis-a-vis community requirements and instructional mandates. Decisions are then made as to whether specific schools/facilities/programs need to be either enhanced, get additional support, be converted to more current/pressing educational priorities, or be consolidated. All APS District financial, academic, and Capital development initiatives are then aligned to incorporate these priorities.
Below is a summary table of Right-Sizing initiatives to date.

APS Right-Sizing initiatives 2024-25
This page was last updated on: September 6, 2024.