After School Snack Program
The After School Snack Program is designed to provide nutritious snacks for students up to the age of 18 who participate in supervised after school programs.
Good nutrition is essential for full physical and cognitive development, and after school snacks help children get the nutrition they need to learn, play, and grow.
Schools eligible to participate in the Afterschool Snack Program must provide regularly scheduled educational or enrichment activities in a structured environment. Educational or enrichment activities could include arts and crafts, homework assistance, life skills, and computer or remedial education. Competitive sports are not eligible activities. However, after school care programs that include a sports activity as part of their enrichment program may be eligible. The APS Food and Nutrition Services After School Snack Program department can help you to determine if an activity qualifies for participation.
Snacks served in this program must meet the nutritional requirements of the United States Department of Agriculture. Each snack contains at least two items. Some examples include: whole grain crackers and milk and cheese sticks and 100% fruit juice.
In some locations all students may receive the snack at no cost because the site is located in the attendance area of a school in which at least 50% of the enrolled students are eligible for free and reduced price meals. At locations that are not area eligible, the APS Snack Program can provide a contracted snack program so students can receive meals based on each student’s meal status --- free, reduced or paid. Schools/Programs may have grant funding to cover the cost of the snacks so all students may eat at no cost.
To start an APS After School Snack Program, access the After School Snack Program by visiting our Food and Nutrition Website