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Part III. Family Engagement Components

Discretionary LEA parent and family engagement policy components

In consultation with parents and family members, APS Title I builds parents and family members capacity for engagement in the school and district to support their children’s academic achievement. We may choose from the following discretionary activities listed under Section 1116(a) of the ESSA: 

  • involving parents and family members in the development of training for teachers, principals, and other educators to improve the effectiveness of that training;
  • providing necessary literacy training for parents and family members from Title I Part A funds, if the LEA has exhausted all other reasonably available sources of funding for that training;
  • paying reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parent and family engagement activities, including transportation and child care costs, to enable

    parents and family members to participate in school-related meetings and training sessions; 

  • training parents and family members to extend the involvement of other parents and family members; 

  • in order to maximize parent and family engagement and participation in their children’s education, arranging school meetings at a variety of times, or conducting in-home conferences between teachers or other educators, who work directly with participating children, with parents and family members who are unable to attend those conferences at school; 

  • adopting and implementing model approaches to improving parent and family engagement;

  • establishing a district wide Parent Advisory Council (PAC) to provide advice on all matters related to parent and family engagement in Title I Part A programs;

  • developing appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses, including faith-based organizations, in parent and family engagement activities; and

  • providing other reasonable support for parent and family engagement activities under (Section 1116 as parents and family members may request.)

This page was last updated on: September 7, 2021.

Contact Information

Nancy Davenport, Resource Teacher, Family Engagement

(505) 253-0330, ext.67017

Physical Address:
912 Oak Street SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (Google Maps)
Building M - Title I