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Public School Support

Contact Information

Rebecca Arellano
(505) 253-0330 ext.67002

Physical Address:
912 Oak Street SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (Google Maps)
Building M - Title I

Title I of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the largest federal assistance program in our nation’s schools.  ESSA, as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), ensures that all children have significant opportunities to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on rigorous academic achievement standards. 

All Public Schools in New Mexico were required to develop a NMDASH 90-Day Plan during the 2017-18 school year.  The 90-Day Plan is also the Title I required Schoolwide Plan.  Schools Title I Budgets will support the Focus Areas in the 90-Day Plan.

During the 2021-22 school year the Title I Department will support and assist 68 elementary schools, 2 K-8 schools, 22 middle schools, and 13 high schools.

Title I Public Schools

Contact your school for more information

Elementary Schools

  1. A. Montoya
  2. Adobe Acres
  3. Alameda
  4. Alamosa
  5. Alvarado
  6. Apache
  7. Armijo
  8. Arroyo del Oso
  9. Atrisco
  10. Barcelona
  11. Bel-Air
  12. Bellehaven
  13. Carlos Rey
  14. Chaparral
  15. Chelwood
  16. Cochiti
  17. Collet Park
  18. Comanche
  19. Dolores Gonzales
  20. Duranes
  21. East San Jose
  22. Edmund G. Ross
  23. Edward Gonzales
  24. Emerson
  25. Eugene Field
  26. Governor Bent
  27. Griegos
  28. Hawthorne
  29. Helen Cordero
  30. Highland Autism
  31. Hodgin
  32. Inez
  33. Janet Kahn
  34. Kirtland
  35. Kit Carson
  36. La Luz
  37. La Mesa
  38. Lavaland
  39. Lew Wallace
  40. Longfellow
  41. Los Padillas
  42. Los Ranchos
  43. Lowell
  44. MacArthur
  45. Manzano Mesa
  46. Marie Hughes
  47. Mark Twain
  48. Mary Ann Binford
  49. Matheson Park
  50. McCollum
  51. Mission Avenue
  52. Mitchell
  53. Montezuma
  54. Mountain View
  55. Navajo
  56. Painted Sky
  57. Pajarito
  58. Petroglyph
  59. Reginald Chavez
  60. Rudolfo Anaya
  61. Sierra Vista
  62. Sombra del Monte
  63. Susie Rayos Marmon
  64. Tomasita
  65. Valle Vista
  66. Wherry
  67. Whittier
  68. Zuni

K-8 Schools

  1. eCademy 
  2. George I. Sanchez
  3. Tres Volcanes

Middle Schools

  1. Cleveland
  2. Ernie Pyle
  3. Garfield
  4. Grant
  5. Harrison
  6. Hayes
  7. Hoover
  8. Jackson
  9. Jefferson
  10. Jimmy Carter
  11. John Adams
  12. Kennedy
  13. LBJ
  14. McKinley
  15. Polk
  16. Taft
  17. Taylor
  18. Truman
  19. Van Buren
  20. Vision Quest
  21. Washington
  22. Wilson

High Schools

  1. Albuquerque High
  2. Atrisco Heritage
  3. Albuquerque Continuation
  4. Del Norte
  5. eCADEMY
  6. Freedom High
  7. Highland
  8. Manzano
  9. New Futures
  10. Rio Grande
  11. School on Wheels
  12. Valley
  13. West Mesa
This page was last updated on: September 13, 2018.