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Neglected or Delinquent Sites

Contact Information

              (505) 253-0330 ext.67031

(505) 253-0330 ext.67019

Physical Address:
912 Oak Street SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (Google Maps)

Title I, Part A

Section 1115 (b) (2) (D)

Children in a local institution or attending a community day program for neglected or delinquent youth are automatically eligible.

Criteria for Targeted Assistance Programs

Targeted assistance programs must meet the following components:

  1. Section 1115 (c) (1) (A), (B), and (C)
  2. Section 1115 (c) (2) (b)

Section 1115 (c) (1) (A), (B), and (C)

  1. Use the program's resources to help participating children meet the state's challenging student academic achievement standards expected for all children.
  2. Ensure that planning for students served is incorporated into existing school planning.
  3. Use effective methods and instructional strategies that are founded on scientifically based research that strengthens the core academic program of the school.

We can pay for supplemental services for Math, Language Arts, and Science.

Section 1115 (c) (2) (B)

"...reviewing, on an ongoing basis, the progress of the participating children and revising the targeted assistance program..."

Title I, Part D

Services provided with Title I Part D funds (Juvenile Detention Center) are designed with the expectation that the neglected, delinquent, and at-risk children and youth who participate will meet the same challenging academic and content standards expected of all children and youth and acquire the knowledge and skills that they will need to become economically self-sufficient and lead productive lives.

This page was last updated on: February 28, 2011.