Part 3: Plans for the Next Charter Term (Strategic Plan)
Part 3 Instructions
Purpose: Looking Forward – Vision for the Next Five Years
Instructions for Part 3: Please refer to the instructions online for complete details about completing this part of the application (Self-Study) on outlining your vision and plan for the next five years.
*Note that this section will not be used for Renewal determination per NACSA guidelines*
Plans for the Next Charter Term (Strategic Plan)
Section A: Educational Program and Student Academic Performance Targets
Question 1: Describe any anticipated changes to essential terms of the school’s educational program such as school mission and vision, courses of study offered, grade levels served, etc. (1-3 paragraphs)
Question 2: Discuss your school’s academic priorities over the next five years. Include the data analysis the school used to set your strategic priorities. How did you use the data to prioritize? (1-3 pages)
Question 3: How will your school continue to enhance the APS School of Choice Portfolio? (1-3 paragraphs)
Question 4: How will your school continue to provide Special Education services and monitor the progress of students receiving special education? (1-3 paragraphs)
Question 5: How will your school continue to provide English Learner services and monitor the progress of English Learner students? (1-3 paragraphs)
Task 1: Provide annual school wide performance targets for the next 5 years in:
- English
- Math
- Science
Task 2: Provide annual performance targets for students under the Martinez/Yazzie guidelines for the next 5 years.
Section B: Mission-Specific Goals
The Amended Charter School Act requires schools to identify two mission-specific indicators/goals in the renewal application that set targets for the implementation of the school mission. Mission-specific indicators/goals MUST BE provided within this section of the renewal application. If the renewal application is approved, these indicators/goals will be used as the “first draft” of indicators during the negotiations with the Authorizer.
For the purposes of this renewal application, the indicators/goals will show the capacity of the applicant to identify appropriate indicators/goals aligned with the mission of the school moving forward. During the later contracting process after approval, the indicators/goals which are finally negotiated and put into the Performance Framework allow the school to demonstrate its achievements related to the school mission. The Performance Framework is assessed on an annual basis and may be revised yearly. Please note: renewing schools are encouraged to use their history of performance, including baseline data if available when developing the two mission-specific indicators/goals and metrics.
Mission-specific goals and indicators put into the application should:
- Demonstrate the school’s ability to implement the school’s mission;
- Be in the format set forth below, which is a SMART goal format (specific, measurable, attainable, rigorous, and time-bound—see below); and finally,
- Include metrics and measures using the following criteria: “Meets standards,” “Working to meet standards,” and “Does not meet standards.”
For instance, if a school’s mission focuses on language acquisition, then a school may choose a mission-specific indicator/goal which measures student progress and performance in this special area. These indicators/goals are monitored on an annual basis and then potentially revised yearly. If you define a cohort of students (i.e. 11th-grade students have attended the school for at least two semesters), you must identify how many students are in the cohort.
What to include in the application
You will be asked to provide at least two mission-specific goals/indicators. And to provide a detailed rationale for the indicators you have chosen. Include the following key elements:
- First, ensure the annual goals/indicators provided show the implementation of the school’s mission.
- Second, for each indicator provided, use the SMART criteria (specific, measurable, attainable, rigorous, and time-bound—see glossary). Your indicators should include all of these key SMART elements and be clear, comprehensive, and cohesive.
- Third, include measures and metrics in your mission-specific goals/indicators. Specifically, determine what percentage constitutes “meets standards,” what falls under “working to meet standards” and what it means for “does not meet standards.”
Task 1: Provide at least two (2) mission-specific goals and indicators in the space below. (1-2 pages per goal). For each goal include indicators that will be measured and monitored, related to this goal:
- Student academic performance standard(s) being addressed
- Standardized short-cycle assessment or standards-based instrument used to identify performance levels and proficiency of students
Section C: Organizational Goals
Question 1: Describe any anticipated changes to the governance of the school such as board composition, staffing and leadership changes, committee structure, amendments to bylaws, adding/removing an ESP (Education Support Professional) etc. How will your governing body be involved in monitoring academic performance and strategic planning, for the next five years? (1-3 paragraphs)
Question 2: Describe your long-term plans to comply with the state statute of being in a public building. (1-2 paragraphs)
Question 3: Describe any anticipated changes to your facility such as location, remodeling, additions, etc. (1-3 paragraphs)
Task 1: Provide Facility Information and Documentation by completing the Appendix section Lease Review Charter School Facility Documents.
Section D: Financial Goals
Question 1: Describe any anticipated changes to the operations of your school in relation to finance such as new curriculum and instructional materials, modified staffing structure, decreased/increased enrollment, etc.
Task 1: Provide a projected budget for the next 5 year term including key revenue sources and expenditures.
Section E: Community Outreach
In an effort to incorporate student voice, family voice and community voice in the Charter Renewal process, we are requesting that you populate a Google Sheet with the contact information. Note: It is not intended that the family members match up with the students on your student list. These will be unique lists.
We will use each list to reach out to student, families, and community members provided, allowing them to give us feedback about your school. We hope to have a diverse group of individuals whom we can collect feedback. If you have any questions about this process, please contact the charter school team.
The Student, Family, Community Voice Google Form can be accessed at:
Please complete each sheet with the necessary contact information. Schools are encouraged to submit these lists early in the September timeframe. If you are unable to complete this early, you can submit with your Renewal Application.
The Charter School team will be asking these contacts to send us short videos reacting the following prompts:
- What wow’s you about this charter school?
- What do you wonder about this charter school?
- Share any personal stories of your experience with this charter school.