Part 2: Record of Performance (Self-Report)
Part 2 Instructions
The Charter School Act requires each school seeking to renew its charter to submit a Self-Report on the progress of the charter school in achieving the goals, objectives, student performance outcomes, state minimum educational standards, and other terms of the current charter, including the accountability requirements set forth in the Assessment and Accountability Act.
Section A: Academic Performance/Educational Plan
Task 1: Provide insight, explanation, and/or evidence to describe your Academic Performance/Educational Plan (3 pages).
- Key Accomplishments related to Accelerating Learning/Meeting Academic Goals
- Describe your student population’s performance in the areas of:
- English
- Math
- Science
- Graduation Rate (If Applicable)
- Describe your student subgroup population’s performance
- English learners
- Students with disabilities
- Economically disadvantaged
- Describe your Martinez-Yazzie Plan in support of at-promise students. Include data that show what progress you have made.
- Provide a summary of your school-wide curriculum. Include information on how it aligns to New Mexico’s Common Core State Standards.
- Describe the assessment process your school uses to measure performance to NM state standards throughout the year and how you use this to inform instruction
Task 2: For Special Education Services how do you plan to do the following (3 pages)
- Describe how you deliver special education and related services to meet the unique needs of students;
- How do you ensure students have access to grade-level standards
- Describe how you integrate special education students into the general education setting;
- Plan to support special education and regular education teacher collaboration in support of special education students;
- Change of placement procedures;
- Describe how you engage parents? Describe how you ensure parents are informed on the student’s disability, diagnosis and the plan for individual support.
- Plan for continued MOE compliance;
- Include Spring Site Visit report.*
Task 3: For English Learner programs and services how do you plan to do the following (3 pages):
- Plan to identify students as English Learners
- Plan to assess students identified as English Learners
- Plan to notify and communicate with parents/guardians regarding English Learner status and services.
- Description of English Learner program and services, including any curriculum used
- Plan to monitor students exited from English Learner status
- Description of recruitment or maintenance plan to hire and retain qualified staff for the ESL/ELD program
- Description of ELD program professional development
- Describe the process the school uses to provide English Learners access to extracurricular (academic, and non-academic) activities
- Plan to evaluate the effectiveness of English Learner program
- How will you provide progress monitoring for exited ELs in year 1 and 2?
Section B: Organizational Performance
Question 1: Provide a written description of how your organization operates. Describe the outcomes of your school-established organizational goals. (1-3 paragraphs)
Question 2: Describe any areas of non-compliance that have been addressed during this term and provide evidence of current compliance. (1-3 paragraphs)
Question 3: Describe the role in the school’s governing council in strategic planning. (1-3 paragraphs)
Question 4: Provide your Organizational Chart of school leadership. What is your process of evaluating school leadership?
Task 1: Provide a copy of your school’s E-Occupancy certificate.
Section C: Financial Performance
Question 1: Describe how the school is meeting its financial goals in relation to its liabilities, payroll taxes, employee benefits, debt service payments, etc. Provide evidence. (1-3 paragraphs)
Task 1: Provide any other financial performance-based evidence.
Task 2: Please provide the following information for all Audit Committee members:
- Name
- Professional Occupation
- Role on Audit Committee