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Application Instructions

Charter Renewal Application 

All submissions should be prepared using the APS Charter Renewal Application (MS Word). Brevity, specificity, and clarity are strongly encouraged. You should ensure the document submitted is easy to follow, reader-friendly and accessible. A seven-member renewal team will review your application and their experience with your school may be limited so use this opportunity to tell your school's story through a review of your performance and your plans for the next five years. 

Deadlines and Manner of Submission

APS Charter Renewal Application must be submitted to the APS Charter Schools Office at 6400 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 100E, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110. The submission must include:

  • 8 Bound copies that will be used by the review team.
    • Ensure all pages are numbered in sequential order
    • Ensure you enter your responses directly into the application's text box fields, provided within each section. Text will be blue 12-point Calibri, allowing the reviewer to clearly identify a school's response.
  • An electronic version (MS Word) of the application and a .pdf file of the Appendix must accompany the submission of 8 bound copies. The MS Word (application) and .pdf (Appendix) files shall be submitted on a USB Flash drive which is clearly labeled with your school's name.
  • The full submission must be delivered no later than 4:30 p.m. (Mountain Time), October 1st, 2024.

Renewal Application Review Period

A seven-member review team will read and analyze your Renewal Application. The Director of APS Charter Schools will schedule a Renewal Site Visit as part of the renewal review process. This site visit is designed to verify the evidence and documentation supporting the renewal application.

Preliminary Renewal Analysis

The Director of APS Charter Schools will meet with each renewal applicant to communicate the renewal team’s recommendation. If, as part, of the renewal recommendation a condition must be met, this will be documented or completed prior to a contract being finalized and brought forward for approval to the APS Board of Education.

Public Comment

Public comment may be collected either through a public meeting or through the online public comment(s) section of the charter renewal website. Any public meetings will follow the APS Board of Education Public Comment Protocol. The recommendation to the APS Board of Education will include comments from the public.


A recommendation will be made and presented to the APS Board of Education prior to January 1.

Final Authorization

The APS School Board will vote on authorization in a full School Board meeting prior to January 1.

Contract and Performance Framework

If approved, the chartering authority shall enter into a contract with the governing body of the applicant charter school within 30 days of approval of the renewal application. (The charter school and APS may agree to an extension of the 30-day deadline.)

This page was last updated on: March 2, 2020.