District Spelling Bee
The District Spelling Bee will be held in January.
Important Spelling Bee Dates
- October 31: NM deadline to enroll schools with Scripps for $185+tax enrollment fee.
- January 15: Deadline to hold a school bee
- January 24: Deadline to hold a district bee
- February 27: NM Online State Qualifying Bee (Tiebreaker - February 28)
- March 29: NM State Spelling Bee
APS District Spelling Bee General Information
Study Lists
Once your school is registered and you have paid your fee you can download the spelling and vocabulary lists. To download the lists, log in and go to Resources – Study Tips. From there you will be able to access study lists for district/national bee preparation. The Word Club link (found below the “Study Tips” link), offers other resources for students to prep for the Bee.
Spelling Bee Coordinator
Each year, you will need to send the name of your Spelling Bee Coordinator at your school site by the first week of October to the APS District Spelling Bee Coordinator, Cheryl Wheeler, Executive Director Elementary Teaching and Learning (wheeler_c@aps.edu) in the Teaching and Learning Department. You may also call the main office at (505) 872-6874 to access the District Spelling Bee Coordinator.
School Site Spelling Bee
School site Spelling Bees need to be completed before January 15, 2024. Send the District Coordinator your school's spelling bee date as soon as possible.
School Spelling Bee Winners
One school spelling bee winner will advance to the New Mexico Online State Qualifying Spelling Bee. Information on the New Mexico State Bee will be available after the APS District Bee is complete.
- The name, grade, and age of the Champion and Alternate should be submitted to the APS District Coordinator soon after the school spelling bee.
- Each school will send only one champion to the District Bee.
- There will also need to be a designated alternate, but the alternate will participate in the District Bee only if the champion is unable to participate.
The Scripps National Spelling Bee
- Students who participate in the Scripps Spelling Bee at all levels (school, district, and national), are required to be ages 8-14 years; and
- Students are required to have completed the first grade to participate.
Important Information
- All levels of bees in New Mexico are NOT required to add a vocabulary component, but the APS District Spelling Bee and the New Mexico State Spelling Bee will have a vocabulary component. It is up to your school site what you want to use for your bee, but your Champion and the Alternate once determined should be given the vocabulary list as well as the spelling list.
- Charter schools hold their own spelling bee unless they are APS charters.
- The Spanish Spelling Bee is conducted by the Language & Cultural Equity Department of APS.