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November 2024 Employee Wellness Newsletter

Posted October 31, 2024, 3:55 PM. Updated November 18, 2024, 2:29 PM.

Let's get social - Social media chair massage challenge! The 6th annual Snowflake Trek, Wellness programs for all employees, and more well-being trends in the news.

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APS School Chair Massage Social Media Challenge!

We know social media isn't for everyone. Let's face it - it's not always the best for our mental, emotional, or physical well-being. That said, there is a wellness-y side and we'd like you to be part of it! We've got a big district and feel like you're missing out on all the great wellness and benefits information we have to share. 
That's why we're hosting a Social Media Chair Massage Challenge for schools and raffle prizes for APS department-based employees! It's pretty simple:
  • Click this Google form link. 
  • Fill out the form and follow one (or more) of the APS Employee Wellness accounts listed.  
  • SUBMIT the form.
  • The high school, middle school, and elementary school with the most 'connections', win chair massages for the staff! (One school in each category based on % of staff.)
  • Department-based APS employees who participate will be entered to win raffle prizes.
  • This challenge runs now through November 30. Winners calculated Dec. 1 and staff chair massages will be scheduled before Winter Break. 

Again, click the Google form link to make your entry count! November Social Media - Chair Massage Challenge!

APS Employee Wellness has a lot of opportunities for you to engage in well-being your way. But for you to know about all the great resources we have to offer, including fun challenges for prizes, weight loss solutions, diabetes management, injury and pain solutions, and more, you have to know about them! So, connect with us and keep scrolling below. 

Stay Active in December - Join the 6th Annual Snowflake Trek!

6th Annual Snowflake Trek


We’re inviting you to stay active and healthy and have a little fun along the way in the Snowflake Trek - Winter Wonderland Adventure Challenge! This is an individual and/or team movement challenge. As you add steps to your account, you’ll progress through the virtual map route unlocking milestones along the way!

Your goal is to move 8,500 steps per day from December 1-15. This is a great winter adventure along a fun snowflake-shaped route. Travel through the land and sea of Viking ships, Norse warriors, and the Kraken! Some of the stops we'll visit are Russia in time for the Nutcracker, Finland for a quick sauna break, Denmark to learn about the original Little Mermaid, and check out the wonders of Iceland. 

Stay engaged on the dashboard for social challenges and interactive fun. Include your colleagues and buddy up for mid-day walks or stairwell challenges.

Prizes are given in many categories. So, remember, you do NOT have to finish first or be the fastest ship in the fleet to be a winner! Steady and consistent is the name of the game. Stick with the Pacer Viking Ship and it will lead the way to the finish! 

If you do not have a fitness tracker, the program syncs with Google Fit and Apple Health phone apps, and manual entries are allowed.

This is open to all APS employees. Click here to register or scan the QR code above. If you have questions contact

Conquer Diabetes, High Blood Pressure & Weight With This One Solution - Livongo!


Livongo is a holistic program that empowers people with chronic illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and other health challenges to feel better and do more. 

Livongo is an integrated solution with free 1-1 health coaching, mental health support, and connected device monitoring.  Depending on your health condition you'll receive a blood pressure cuff, glucose meter/test strips, and/or connected scale. It's all seamlessly integrated through a mobile app with results you can share with your doctor. 

*This is a free program for all employees and eligible dependents under the APS Benefits plans. 

Getting started is easy!  

  • Text “GO APS” to 85240 to learn more and join
  • Join by visiting
  • Call 800-945-4355 and use the registration code: APS

Have You Tried Health Coaching? 

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The first step to reclaim and honor our well-being for sustainability can be the hardest. Wellness coaching is a great resource to help you get started. All APS employees have access to free health coaching through The Solutions Group. (APS wellness vendor.) 

Wellness coaches work with employees one-on-one in a client-centered process to facilitate and help empower you to develop and achieve lifestyle, behavior change, and wellness goals. 

The Solutions Group coaches help you set appropriate goals, create an action plan, identify personal motivation, and more. They will also work with you to eat better, lose weight, become more active, reduce stress, sleep better, or even prepare for a specific event. Get started today and a health coach will contact you within 3 business days. 

Register Anytime For The Wellness at Work Well-being Platform & Earn Rewards!

Wellness at work

APS partners with The Solutions Group to bring you a variety of well-being programs as well as the Wellness at Work platform and employee wellness incentive program. 

The wellness program through the Solutions Group is still called "Wellness at Work". The platform it is currently hosted on is Virgin Pulse. Virgin Pulse is getting a name change to Personify Health starting January 1, 2025. NOTHING will change but the name and some colors. Your app will still work. 

The new mobile app has enhanced wellness options, easier access, and simplified activity syncing.

Complete instructions to register are on the Employee Wellness Incentive Program pageFollow the instructions according to which APS Benefits health plan you have or join under "non-covered, full-time employee" if you don't take APS medical benefits. *This program is open to all full-time APS Employees. 

Note: If you are a full-time APS employee covered as a dependent under the Presbyterian Health Plan, or ANY health plan, register as a 'non-covered' APS employee. If you are a full-time employee NOT covered by APS Benefits plan, register under "non-covered" APS employee. 

Is Chronic Pain, Mobility & Lack of Strength Affecting Your Well-being?


Get the relief you need to feel and function better with this NEW virtual physical therapy program by Hinge Health. 

Hinge Health gives you the tools to conquer joint and muscle pain including back, neck, knee, and shoulder pain, recover from injuries, prepare for surgery, and stay healthy and pain-free.

Learn more and register for the program. Begin your journey today with a physical therapist and health coach team!

Hinge Health is available at no cost to employees and eligible dependents covered under the APS Benefits plans.   

Wellness Trends in the News

News: AMA Clarifying BMI’s Role in Medical Assessment

The American Medical Association adopted a policy to clarify the role of BMI as an assessment tool in medicine.

Nutrition: A Look at Dairy-Free Yogurt

The market for dairy-free yogurt has exploded. But are these moo-free versions any healthier than the traditional cultured dairy?

Mind-Body: Resistance Training Reduces Both Anxiety and Depression Symptoms

Eight weeks of resistance exercise training consistent with current exercise guidelines led to clinically meaningful, large reductions in depressive symptoms among young adults.

Recipe: Oat Sweet Potato Chili

Beans and oats are well-endowed with fiber giving this bowl of sweet potato chili the power to bestow various health benefits.

Fitness Handout: Mindset and Menopause

There’s no arguing about the benefit and importance of physical activity for our health, especially during menopause.