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School Libraries

School library programs work to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.

As teachers, information specialists, and instructional consultants, librarian-teachers help staff, students, and parents learn to use both traditional materials and new technologies.

School Library Websites

  1. To contact a specific school library, find your school's website address in the School Directory.
  2. Visit your school's website Contact Us page.
  3. If the library is not listed on the school's Contact Us page, you can call the main office number and ask to be re-directed.

APS has consistent and standardized school websites, with most school library websites available directly from their school's home page. 

Contact Information

Main Phone: (505) 848-8889

Physical Address:
Library Services & Instructional Materials 930-B Oak Street SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 Map