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Applying for Parental Leave

Step 1: Employee

If you are a birth parent:

  1. Notify your Principal or Supervisor of dates for Extended Leave of Absence.
  2. Complete and sign the appropriate forms.
  3. Gives Health Care Provider appropriate medical form (Form E).
  4. Secures Substitute, if required.

If you are a non-birth parent:

  1. Notify your Principal or Supervisor of dates for Extended Leave of Absence.
  2. Complete and sign the appropriate forms.
  3. Provides Child’s Proof of Birth or Birth Certificate, or Family— Certification of Health Care Provider.

Step 2: Health Care Provider

The Health Care Provider Completes the appropriate form (Form E).

Step 3: Employee

Returns completed forms to Leaves Office 30 days prior to extended leave start date.

  • Preferred – via Email:
  • Fax: (505) 884-0536
  • By Mail: Human Resources  – Leaves Office, P. O. Box 25704 Albuquerque, NM 87125
  • In Person – please avoid delivering your forms in person: 6400 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 210 East Tower

Step 4: Leaves Office

  1. Processes and mails approved/denied leave letter to employee’s home address.
  2. Emails to the employee APS email address and to their principal or supervisor.

Step 5: Principal/Supervisor Secretary

  1. Applies correct Leave of Absence Code for Payroll reporting.
  2. For Intermittent FMLA only – tracks FMLA Usage.

Step 6: Employee – Return to Work

  1. Complete and submit "Letter of Intent" by the specified due date (earlier if possible); the "Letter of Intent" form is located in the Leave Letter.
  2. Medical Clearance at end of leave, only if the birth parent is returning earlier than:
    • 6 weeks after natural birth, or
    • 8 weeks after C-section birth.
This page was last updated on: October 30, 2020.