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Preparing Your Documents


  • MSWord, Powerpoint, Excel, or Google Docs or Sheets.
  • Other types of documents will require review from the Document Technician before acceptance.

Formats not accepted:

  • Scanned documents, or PDF files of scanned documents.
  • Files created in Adobe InDesign will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Items to prepare for your request:

The source document and explanations of graphs, maps, and images. If these items are not included, please expect a longer turnaround time for collaboration with the document author.

*Special exceptions may be considered upon request after project review.

How to Requesting Remediation Services:

  1. Step 1: Review the Document Accessibility Tutorials below. Adjust your source file to include accessibility features. Generate a PDF.
  2. Step 2: Submit the Document Remediation Request Form.
  3. Step 3: Once your request is received and reviewed, you will be asked to submit the following documents:
    • Document's source file: If the source file is unavailable then extra turnaround time will be required.
    • PDF file to be remediated 
    • Supporting documentation: Specific descriptions of charts, graphs, maps, and images must be included with the request for remediation.

A note about documents created in MSWord:

  • Check to make sure the source document has been created using the preset "Styles" on the Home tab. These can be changed to match the styling of your choice, but must start with these presets.
  • Double check your source document with MS Word Accessibility Check.

Document Accessibility Tutorials

What to expect:

  • A response with a time frame estimate.
  • An Adobe Accessibility Check Report of the initial pdf document.
  • The document will be remediated to meet WCAG 2.0, PDF/UA and Section 508 compliance levels, with the following items verified or fixed:
    • Reading order, tags, and color contrast
    • Tables, forms, links, artifact headers/footers
    • Tabbing order set to follow the document structure
  • Document will be tested using Acrobat Pro DC Read Out Loud and JAWS screenreader software.

For questions or more information:

Please reach out! We'd be happy to help you through the process! Contact the Document Accessibility Technician by email at  or by phone at (505) 249-9972.

Document accessibility is everyone's responsibility!

This page was last updated on: December 1, 2020.