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Non-Traditional Instruction for Middle School

Source Document

Download the PDF: NTI for Middle School Heath Education (PDF) created by Jess Lawrence (Director Cairn Guidance), Kim Riggs, and Angela Stark.

For ease of use, the document has been converted into web content, available below.

NTI Day 1

NHES #2: Analyzing Influences

An internal influence includes the feelings, emotions, and values you have within yourself. For example, if you believe that you should get 10 hours of sleep each night because you know you feel your best when you do.

An external influence includes things that influence your thoughts or behaviors from websites, people, resources not within yourself. For example, a commercial that might persuade you to buy something. Or, a doctor influencing someone to eat healthily.

  1. List three examples of internal influences.
  2. List three examples of external influences.

NTI Day 2

NHES #2: Analyzing Influences

A positive influence is an influence that is healthy, safe and encourages healthy behaviors. A negative influence is an influence that might cause harm, be unhealthy or unsafe.

  1. List three positive influences around wearing a seatbelt, or a helmet when participating in activities.
  2. List three negative influences that might encourage someone participate in risky behaviors that might lead to injury.
  3. How can you be a positive influence to a peer?

NTI Day 3

NHES #3: Accessing Information

Validity means checking to see if a source (website, pamphlet, person, social media post) is truthful. This means that the information is true based on facts. Write down two people that you believe might be valid health resources in your school? Meaning, they provide truthful information. Write down two websites or organizations that might be valid health resources that you could trust.

NTI Day 4

NHES #3: Accessing Information

Define reliability: When looking for reliability, you want to check to see if the source (person, website, resource) is trustworthy and dependable. This means that the information is recognized or written by an appropriate government, medical, or other professional organization or respected group. (.gov, .edu, .org, etc.)

Other factors to use to determine reliability are the author’s purpose behind the source, who wrote the source (PhD., M.D., etc.), and who is sponsoring the information. It is important to know what the intention or reason is behind the information. For example, if your local health department posted information regarding Juuling, you feel confident that their information is reliable.

Watch 3 commercials online or on the television. Identify the following:

  1. What is being sold?
  2. Who is selling it?
  3. List one reason you believe the information is reliable or not reliable.

NTI Day 5

NHES #4: Interpersonal Communication; Collaboration

Personal responsibility: This means you are willing to take responsibility of what you do, say and how you act and respond. Being responsible means you are in charge of your actions. For example, your parent/or guardian asks you to help with a chore and you take charge and complete it.

What could you do today to take personal responsibility today around...

  1. Being physical active
  2. Your hygiene
  3. Reading goals
  4. Education activities
  5. A chore at home

NTI Day 6

NHES #4: Interpersonal Communication; Collaboration

Respect others: This means you treat others the way they want to be treated. And, in order to understand how others want to be treated, you need to ask them.

  1. Write an example of how you have shown respect to someone at school or at home.
  2. Share a time when someone has shown respect to you.

NTI Day 7

NHES #4: Interpersonal Communication; Collaboration

Makes and follows agreements: This means when you commit to something, you follow through. So, for example, when you say you will clean your room, you complete that task without argument and with personal responsibility.

Draw at least a 3-frame cartoon strip that demonstrates someone following an agreement that was asked of them.

NTI Day 8

NHES #4: Interpersonal Communication; Collaboration

Helps the team: This means your contribution is important as part of a team. Your skills and talents can help contribute to a team’s goal. A common goal might be, winning a game, playing in a concert, helping around the house with chores, completing a school project.

List 3 skills that you have that would help a team.

NTI Day 9

NHES #4: Interpersonal Communication; Collaboration

Work as a team: Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common goal.

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." --Helen Keller

Create a slogan or quote about an experience you’ve had working as a group of people or teams.

NTI Day 10

NHES #5: Goal Setting

How to Set a SMART Goal

Setting a goal is an important skill. The steps to goal setting include:

  1. Identify a goal.
  2. Complete goal.

When setting a goal, set a SMART goal. What is a SMART goal? A goal that is:

  1. Specific
  2. Measurable
  3. Attainable
  4. Realistic
  5. Completed on time

Step 1: Identify a Goal for Physical Activity

Set a SMART goal around getting 60 minutes of physical activity a day while at home. This may include: dancing to your favorite music, vacuuming the house, playing tag outside, jump roping, shooting a basketball, stretching during commercials while watching tv.

Write your specific goal using the following prompt:

  1. Specific: Is your goal clear? How?
  2. Measurable: How will you know when you reach your goal?
  3. Attainable: Is the goal attainable (given knowledge, skills, ability)? How?
  4. Realistic: Is your goal within your reach? How?
  5. Time-Phased: Does your goal have a time limit? How?


  1. What are the benefits to you for reaching this goal?
  2. Why is this goal important to you?
  3. Who will you share your goal with for feedback and to help keep you on track?
  4. What will you do to celebrate when you reach your goal?
  5. Who can support you in reaching my goal?

Step 2: Complete Your Goal for Physical Activity

Try to complete your goal. Then, answer:

  1. Why was this goal important to you?
  2. Did you reach your goal? Answer yes or no.
  3. What things did you do that made it possible for you to reach your goal?
  4. If you did not reach your goal, why didn’t you?
  5. Did you have to change anything while you were working on your goal? Explain.
  6. How did this goal benefit your life?

NTI Day 11

NHES #5: Goal Setting

Reread How to Set a Goal, covered in NTI Day 10.

Step 1: Identify a Goal for Screen Time

Set a SMART goal around minimizing your screen time while at home. Participating in less screen time is beneficial for your health because it means you aren’t moving your body and screen time is associated with poor sleep. Trying to watch less than two hours a day is best.

Write your specific goal using the following prompt:

  1. Specific: Is your goal clear? How?
  2. Measurable: How will you know when you reach your goal?
  3. Attainable: Is the goal attainable (given knowledge, skills, ability)? How?
  4. Realistic: Is your goal within your reach? How?
  5. Time-Phased: Does your goal have a time limit? How?


  1. What are the benefits to you for reaching this goal?
  2. Why is this goal important to you?
  3. Who will you share your goal with for feedback and to help keep you on track?
  4. What will you do to celebrate when you reach your goal?
  5. Who can support you in reaching my goal?

Step 2: Complete Your Goal for Screen Time

Try to complete your goal. Then, answer:

  1. Why was this goal important to you?
  2. Did you reach your goal? Answer yes or no.
  3. What things did you do that made it possible for you to reach your goal?
  4. If you did not reach your goal, why didn’t you?
  5. Did you have to change anything while you were working on your goal? Explain.
  6. How did this goal benefit your life?

NTI Day 12

NHES #6: Decision Making


"Your friend finds an e-cig in their brothers’ room and shows it to you. Your friends think you should try it."

Use the DECIDE Model

Use the DECIDE Model to respond to the scenario around e-cigs and determine the healthiest, safest course of action.

  1. Define the problem/issue
  2. Explore your options
  3. Consider the consequences
  4. Identify your values and beliefs
  5. Decide and act
  6. Evaluate the results

NTI Day 13

NHES #7: Self-Management

  1. List the steps for proper handwashing and post near a sink at home.
  2. Complete one of the following activities:
    1. Draw or create a poster showing images that display proper handwashing techniques.
    2. Do a video of yourself sharing the steps.

NTI Day 14

NHES #7: Self-Management

Create a check-list sharing one of these personal health hygiene practices:

  • Oral health
  • Handwashing
  • Bedtime routine
  • Bathing

NTI Day 15

NHES #7: Advocacy

Advocating for something you care about is important. It allows you to express yourself and create a positive change in the world.

Select one of the topics below and a product you will turn in from the lists below.

Choose a Topic

  1. Bullying
  2. Vaping
  3. Physical activity
  4. Healthy eating
  5. Abstinence
  6. Disease-prevention
  7. Self-care
  8. Seeking help
  9. Mental health
  10. Drinking water
  11. Screen time
  12. Sleep

Choose a Product

  1. Powtoon
  2. Prezi
  3. PSA
  4. Slide Show
  5. Infographic
  6. Poem
  7. Rap/Song
  8. Letter
  9. Speech
This page was last updated on: September 9, 2020.