Non-Traditional Instruction for High School
Source Document
Download the PDF: NTI for High School Heath Education (PDF) created by Jessica Napier, Mary Jo Geddes, and Jordan Manley.
For ease of use, the document has been converted into web content, available below.
NTI Day 1
NHES #3: Accessing Information
Since coronavirus numbers are increasing, locate one local, one national, and one global resource that will educate you on this virus.
NTI Day 2
NHES #3: Accessing Information
Validity of information means “is this resource truthful?”
Choose one of your resources from NTI Day 1, and answer the following questions.
- Is the information current?
- Is there enough information about the topic?
- Are the facts in the article cited or referenced?
NTI Day 3
NHES #3: Accessing Information
Reliability means “Is the resource trustworthy and dependable?”
Choose one of your resources from NTI Day 1 that you did not use for NTI Day 2, and answer the following questions.
- Is the purpose of the resource stated clearly?
- Is the resource a .gov, .edu. or .org?
- Is the author’s name listed?
- Is the author’s background trustworthy and dependable?
- Is the resource sponsored by an institution or organization?
NTI Day 4
NHES #2: Analyzing Influences
Internal influences include our personal values, our desires, likes and dislikes, and our perception of social norms.
External influences include our community, family, culture, friends, technology, and the media.
- List 3 internal influences that impact your food choices.
- List 3 external influences that impact your food choices.
NTI Day 5
NHES #2: Analyzing Influences
Internal and external influences can be both positive and negative, contributing to positive and negative health outcomes.
- Make a list of positive, external influences that contribute to good sexual health.
- Make a list of positive, internal influences that contribute to good sexual health.
NTI Day 6
NHES #2: Analyzing Influences
You are invited to a sleepover at your friend’s house. During the sleepover, one of your friends pulls a bottle of vodka out of their backpack and starts pouring it into a cup. One friend of yours says “I think I’m going to have my parents come pick me up.” Another friend says “pour me a glass!”
Using the above scenario, answer the following questions:
- Identify the positive influences. Express why these influences will positively affect your health.
- Identify the negative influences. Identify strategies to counteract the negative influences.
NTI Day 7
NHES #4: Interpersonal Communication
Time to Talk.
- Watch the YouTube video, "This Is Not Your Parents' Health Class" with your parents/guardians.
- Compare and contrast your current health class with your parents’ health class. If you don’t have access to the video, talk with your parents/guardians to answer the above prompt.
NTI Day 8
NHES #4: Interpersonal Communication
Time to Talk: Distracted Driving.
- Talk to your parents/guardians about your family's specific rules for driving.
- What are the consequences for breaking those rules?
- What is your family plan for an emergency situation related to drunk driving? (who do you call, what do you say, etc.)
NTI Day 9
NHES #4: Interpersonal Communication
Time to Talk: Depression and Anxiety.
- Talk to your parents/guardians about depression and anxiety.
- Do you have depression and/or anxiety in your family's medical history?
- What successful strategies have your family members used to cope with depression and/or anxiety?
- What are you worried or anxious about at this point in time?
- What is your family's plan if you feel overwhelmed?
NTI Day 10
NHES #5: Decision Making
You are having disagreements with your siblings and/or friends. It is escalating into violence. You are home alone with your friend/sibling. What do you do?
List three options to avoid violence.
Keep this list for tomorrow's lesson.
NTI Day 11
NHES #5: Decision Making
Recall NTI Day 10's scenario.
- Find your list of three options to avoid violence.
- For each option that you listed, answer: What are the positive and negative outcomes and feelings of this option?
Keep your answers for tomorrow's lesson.
NTI Day 12
NHES #5: Decision Making
Recall NTI Day 10's scenario.
Answer the questions below using one outcome from NTI Day 11.
- Would you want people to do this to you?
- If you have religious beliefs, would a respected member of your religion agree with this choice?
- Would your parents and grandparents approve if they found out about this?
- Does the little voice inside your head approve?
- Would you want this broadcasted on social media?
NTI Day 13
NHES #6: Goal Setting
- Write down what time you will go to bed tonight.
- Write down what time you wake up in the morning.
- How long did you sleep?
- Rate your sleep quality on a scale of 1-10, 1 being bad, and 10 being good.
- Set a goal for increasing how much sleep you will get tomorrow night.
- Write an action plan for how you will improve your bedtime routine to get better sleep.
NTI Day 14
NHES #6: Goal Setting
If you have a smartphone...
- Open your smartphone.
- Go to Settings and open the Screen Time Menu.
- Analyze your screen time habits.
- Answer:
- Which apps do you use the most?
- How long are you using them each day?
- Is this more or less than you expected?
- Pick an app and set a goal for tomorrow to reduce the time you spend on that app.
If you don’t have a smartphone...
- What screen do you spend the most time on?
- Track how much time you spend on that screen today.
- Set a goal for reducing that screen time tomorrow.
NTI Day 15
NHES #6: Goal Setting
List three achievable and attainable goals you have to promote yourself to the next grade level at your school. Make sure your goals are SMART:
- S: Specific.
- M: Measurable.
- A: Attainable.
- R: Realistic.
- T: Timely.
NTI Day 16
NHES #7: Practicing Health Enhancing Behaviors
If you have a smartphone...
Even if just for today, schedule a time to be away from your phone for at least 30 minutes.
- Open your smartphone.
- Go to Settings and open the Screen Time Menu.
- In this menu, you can schedule downtime.
- Choose an activity to do during your downtime:
- Create art.
- Play music.
- Have a conversation with a family member.
- Exercise.
If you do not have a smartphone...
If you do not have a smartphone, complete at least one of the following activities today:
- Create art.
- Play music.
- Have a conversation with a family member.
- Exercise.
NTI Day 17
NHES #7: Practicing Health Enhancing Behaviors
Today, you will spend some time focusing on your breathing:
- Lay on your back.
- Put your feet flat on the wall with your knees bent.
- Fold your hands across your belly.
- Close your eyes.
- In this position, focus on your breathing for 10 minutes.
NTI Day 18
NHES #7: Practicing Health Enhancing Behaviors
Complete 3 rounds, counting as many reps as possible in each minute:
- Minute 1: Plank Shoulder Taps Minute
- Minute 2: High Knees
- Minute 3: Step Back Lunges
- Minute 4: Rest!
NTI Day 19
NHES #8: Advocacy
If you have social media...
Use your social media voice to create a series of social media posts over the next three days to advocate for the personal, family, or community health topic of your choice.
If you do not have social media...
Create three posters to hang up around school when we return to advocate for the personal, family, or community health topic of your choice.
Topics to Choose From
Choose from the following:
- Alcohol
- Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention
- Prevention and Control of Disease
- Promotion of Environmental Health
- Promotion of Healthy Eating
- Promotion of Mental, Social and Emotional Health
- Promotion of Physical Activity
- Promotion of Sexual Health
- Unintentional Injury Prevention
- Violence and Suicide Prevention
NTI Day 20
NHES #8: Advocacy
If you have social media...
Use your social media voice to create a series of social media posts over the next three days to advocate for the personal, family, or community health topic of your choice.
If you do not have social media...
Create three posters to hang up around school when we return to advocate for the personal, family, or community health topic of your choice.
Topics to Choose From
Choose from the following:
- Alcohol
- Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention
- Prevention and Control of Disease
- Promotion of Environmental Health
- Promotion of Healthy Eating
- Promotion of Mental, Social and Emotional Health
- Promotion of Physical Activity
- Promotion of Sexual Health
- Unintentional Injury Prevention
- Violence and Suicide Prevention
NTI Day 21
NHES #8: Advocacy
If you have social media...
Use your social media voice to create a series of social media posts over the next three days to advocate for the personal, family, or community health topic of your choice.
If you do not have social media...
Create three posters to hang up around school when we return to advocate for the personal, family, or community health topic of your choice.
Topics to Choose From
Choose from the following:
- Alcohol
- Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention
- Prevention and Control of Disease
- Promotion of Environmental Health
- Promotion of Healthy Eating
- Promotion of Mental, Social and Emotional Health
- Promotion of Physical Activity
- Promotion of Sexual Health
- Unintentional Injury Prevention
- Violence and Suicide Prevention