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State Standards and Core Instructional Materials

The New Mexico Common Core State Standards (NMCCSS) were implemented in the state in the 2011-2012 school year with a goal of full implementation by 2015. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), referred to as the NM STEM Ready Standards, were adopted by the state in 2018 with ongoing implementation in process.

Parents’ Guides to Understanding the Common Core

The National PTA created the Parents’ Guides to Student Success to help parents and families understand the Common Core State Standards and what their child should know and be able to do at each grade level. These documents are available in English and Spanish.

The Council of the Great City Schools published Parent Roadmaps to the Common Core Standards. These also provide good information about the expected knowledge and skills for each grade level.

Core Instructional Materials

Find Core Instructional Materials for F2F, Hybrid and Remote Learning.

Standards by Subject


APS follows the Common Core State Standards for literacy. In addition to implementing the Common Core State Standards, teachers should focus on the instructional shifts for language arts.

  • Teachers should provide time to practice with complex text and academic language.
  • Learning opportunities should allow for reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from texts, both literary and informational.
  • And, students should be immersed in information about the world around them and build knowledge through content-rich non-fiction.

The district supported curriculum for APS schools:


APS follows the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. In addition to implementing the Common Core State Standards, teachers should focus on the instructional shifts for math.

  • Math instruction should focus on fewer topics, but focus deeply on grade level skills. Learning opportunities should allow students to link topics and thinking across grade levels and build upon skills learned in previous years.
  • And, students should demonstrate a conceptual understanding of math concepts, and apply math skills fluently and across a variety of situations.
  • Additionally, teachers should apply the Standards for Mathematical Practices to help students develop the processes and proficiencies necessary to be successful in mathematics.

The district supported curriculum for APS schools:


All lessons and activities are aligned with: 

The NGSS are K–12 science content standards that were developed by states to improve science education for all students. APS is in the initial stages of implementation and has not yet selected materials for Science .

Benchmark Advance includes NGSS aligned science content at all grade levels K-5.

Sandia Mountain Natural History Center (SMNHC)

The Sandia Mountain Natural History Center is a joint venture between the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science and Albuquerque Public Schools. The center, which has been in operation since 1967, serves all APS fifth-grade students, as well as students from surrounding school districts totaling approximately 12,000 students each year. The main program of the SMNHC, the Ecology Field Program, is an integral part of the curriculum with a focus on the interconnectedness of the biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem with a hands-on scientific approach.  Students are introduced to the local ecosystem, as well as producers, consumers, and decomposers that reside at the center and throughout the state of New Mexico.  This is accomplished through a day of field exploration, observation, and hands-on learning in the outdoors.

Social Studies

New Mexico State Standard Downloads:

Savvas myView/miVisión includes Social Studies content at all grade levels K-5.

This page was last updated on: June 17, 2019.