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Page Title and Summary Allowed Characters

Title/Summary Allowed Characters

These characters are allowed in the Page Title and/or Summary fields. They will not cause the Missing Green Bar issue in Plone.

Allowed Characters
  Space (**Not a non-breaking space)
" Double quotes (**Not a double quotation mark)
' Single quote (**Not a single quotation mark)
- Hyphen (**Not an n-dash or m-dash)
~ Equivalency sign - tilde, on its own without a letter
! Exclamation mark
# Number
$ Dollar
% Percent sign
& Ampersand
(   ) Open or Closed parenthesis
* Asterisk
, Comma
. Period, dot or full stop
/ Slash or divide
: Colon
; Semicolon
<   > Greater than or Less than
= Equals
? Question mark
@ At symbol
[   ] Opening or Closing bracket
\ Backslash
^ Caret - circumflex
_ Underscore
` Grave accent
{   } Opening or Closing brace
| Vertical bar

Non-Allowed Title/Summary Characters

These will cause the Missing Green Bar issue in Plone and must be removed from the Page Title and/or Summary field in order to edit the page.

Non-allowed Characters
  Non-breaking space
Left single quotation mark
Right single quotation mark
Left double quotation mark
Right double quotation mark
En dash
Em dash
˜ Small tilde
¡ Inverted exclamation mark
¿ Inverted question mark
¢, €, £, ¤, ¥ Currency: Cent, Euro, Pound, Yen
Single low-9 quotation mark
Double low-9 quotation mark
Horizontal ellipsis
Double dagger
ˆ Modifier letter circumflex accent
Single left-pointing angle quotation
Trade mark sign
Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
¦ Pipe, Broken vertical bar
§ Section sign
¨ Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
© Copyright sign
ª Feminine ordinal indicator
« Left double angle quotes
­ Soft hyphen
® Registered trade mark sign
¯ Spacing macron - overline
° Degree sign
´ Acute accent - spacing acute
Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
· Middle dot - Georgian comma
¸ Spacing cedilla
º Masculine ordinal indicator
» Right double angle quotes
Non-allowed Math Characters
Per mille sign
¬ Not sign
± Plus-or-minus sign
² Superscript two - squared
³ Superscript three - cubed
µ Micro sign
¹ Superscript one
¼ Fraction one quarter
½ Fraction one half
¾ Fraction three quarters
+ Plus sign
× Multiplication sign
÷ Division sign
Non-Allowed Latin Alphabet Chars
ƒ Latin small letter f with hook
Š Latin capital letter S with caron
Œ Latin capital ligature OE
Ž Latin capital letter Z with caron
š Latin small letter S with caron
œ Latin small ligature oe
ž Latin small letter z with caron
Ÿ Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
À Latin capital letter A with grave
Á Latin capital letter A with acute
 Latin capital letter A with circumflex
à Latin capital letter A with tilde
Ä Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
Å Latin capital letter A with ring above
Æ Latin capital letter AE
Ç Latin capital letter C with cedilla
È Latin capital letter E with grave
É Latin capital letter E with acute
Ê Latin capital letter E with circumflex
Ë Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
Ì Latin capital letter I with grave
Í Latin capital letter I with acute
Î Latin capital letter I with circumflex
Ï Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
Ð Latin capital letter ETH
Ñ Latin capital letter N with tilde
Ò Latin capital letter O with grave
Ó Latin capital letter O with acute
Ô Latin capital letter O with circumflex
Õ Latin capital letter O with tilde
Ö Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
Ø Latin capital letter O with slash
Ù Latin capital letter U with grave
Ú Latin capital letter U with acute
Û Latin capital letter U with circumflex
Ü Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
Ý Latin capital letter Y with acute
Þ Latin capital letter THORN
ß Latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
à Latin small letter a with grave
á Latin small letter a with acute
â Latin small letter a with circumflex
ã Latin small letter a with tilde
ä Latin small letter a with diaeresis
å Latin small letter a with ring above
æ Latin small letter ae
ç Latin small letter c with cedilla
è Latin small letter e with grave
é Latin small letter e with acute
ê Latin small letter e with circumflex
ë Latin small letter e with diaeresis
ì Latin small letter i with grave
í Latin small letter i with acute
î Latin small letter i with circumflex
ï Latin small letter i with diaeresis
ð Latin small letter eth
ñ Latin small letter n with tilde
ò Latin small letter o with grave
ó Latin small letter o with acute
ô Latin small letter o with circumflex
õ Latin small letter o with tilde
ö Latin small letter o with diaeresis
ø Latin small letter o with slash
ù Latin small letter u with grave
ú Latin small letter u with acute
û Latin small letter u with circumflex
ü Latin small letter u with diaeresis
ý Latin small letter y with acute
þ Latin small letter thorn
ÿ Latin small letter y with diaeresis
This page was last updated on: December 7, 2021.