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April 2021 Wellness Newsletter

Posted April 1, 2021, 3:50 PM. Updated April 13, 2021, 12:29 PM.

APS Employee Wellness events, programs, and more well-being and nutrition trends in the news!

April is stress and alcohol awareness as well as (interestingly enough) humor month.  They say humor is good medicine and it turns out "they" are right!  While it might seem trivial (especially in serious times) there is a strong correlation between our physical and emotional health and laughter. 

Humor is good for your health

In an article from the Mayo Clinic, Stress relief from laughter? It's no joke! the authors cited several short and long-term benefits of laughter.

Our ability to move through difficult circumstances with resilience hinges on daily wellness practices and self-care. Even with these stress-filled times, it is possible to engage in a little humor for our health.  

APS Employee Wellness posts humor every week via our social media pages! Connect with all things wellness via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts (@apsemployeewellness). If you have something motivational or fun to share, email it to Let's spread some wellness cheer and help each other move forward toward a healthier, laughter-filled life! 

Your mental and physical well-being is no joke.  Look to APS Employee Wellness programs for the resources you need to navigate troubling times. Please take a look and pass this along to your colleagues:

  •  Dealing with difficult emotions like stress and anxiety does make it hard to find the lighter side of life. In perfect timing for next week,  join the Life on Mindfulness Saturday, April 3, 10:00 am workshop: Dealing With Difficult Emotions.  
  • If you have diabetes or high blood pressure and are covered under APS benefits, we offer a free program called Livongo with one-on-one health coaching and interactive tools to manage your total wellness and feel better.

More wellness, fitness, and nutrition trends are in the APS April Wellness Newsletter.