APS and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Learn more about APS compliance with ADA and the reasonable accommodation process, as well as how to report ADA concerns and access interpreter services.
APS Commitment
Albuquerque Public Schools is committed to the rights of students, parents, employees, and community members with disabilities as set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and amendments (ADAAA), and the New Mexico Human Rights Act (NMHRA). Our District has had an on-going plan for providing district-wide physical access for persons with disabilities since the late 1970’s.
Accommodation Processes
- COVID-19 High Risk Inquiries
- Disability Reasonable Accommodation Process
- ADA Employee Request for Accommodations
- Medical Information Release (PDF)
Non-discrimination Statement
APS is also committed to a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of disability in matters of education and employment opportunity. We encourage the active participation of our community in this, as well as other areas of education through constructive study, discussion, and the formation ad hoc committees to work with us in promoting the best program of education for all our students.
How Does APS Comply with the ADA?
- By posting notice of non-discrimination in employment and education practices throughout the District.
- By publishing notice of non-discrimination in our advertised employment offerings and statements of special education services.
- By not denying an otherwise qualified person, solely by reason of his/her disability, equal treatment in recruitment, employment, promotion, training or transfer.
- By making reasonable accommodations in the work setting for employees with disabilities.
- By making all reasonable efforts to identify and serve the students of the District with disabilities.
- By identifying and appropriately addressing access concerns for students, parents, employees, and community members with disabilities through the Facilities Design and Construction department with the cooperation of site administrators.
How Does APS Assist with ADA Issues?
- By making facilities readily accessible and usable by persons with disabilities.
- By providing signage with the international symbol for accessibility.
- By providing Braille signage where a need exists.
- By providing interpreters or telephonic devices to aid individuals with hearing impairments.
- By providing accommodation procedures for students and employees seeking reasonable accommodation.
- By providing grievance procedures for disability discrimination complaints that incorporate due process standards and provide prompt and equitable resolution of complaints.
- By providing reasonable modifications or adjustments in the work environment that enable a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential functions of a job.
- By providing reasonable modifications to the job application process when requested by a qualified candidate with a disability.
Did You Know...?
- APS has developed a strategy to evaluate and implement its access goals.
- APS budgets significant monies to address specific ADA construction and renovation projects.
- In addition, ADA needs are addressed in every applicable remodeling or other building project in the District.
- The District’s five-year Facilities Master Plan also contains allocations to ensure ADA compliance on all capital improvement including new facilities, additions, remodels, or renewal projects.
How Can You Get Interpreter Services?
Persons who are deaf and/or hearing impaired may contact an Interpreter to obtain sigh language services:
- Tracy Hutton, (505) 415-2524, hutton@aps.edu
Please contact the above as soon as you are aware of your needs. Requests for interpreters must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the event.
Who Can Help with Your ADA Concerns?
ADA Office
Located within the Risk Management Department
Alice & Bruce King Education Complex
6400 Uptown Blvd., NE, 400W
Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505) 855-9852 or (505) 830-8463
Facility ADA Modifications
Adam Hendrickson, adam.hendrikson@aps.edu
Section 504 Coordinator for Students
Teresa Trujillo-Fairbanks, BA, NBCT, (505) 855-9840, fairbanks@aps.edu
ADA Specialist for Staff
Socorro Rodriguez, Coordinator, (505) 855-9852
Additional contacts
Your principal, supervisor or site administrator