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Our Impact Through Grants and Scholarships

The Education Foundation awards grants that fund projects and programs across all academic content areas, support social emotional learning, community and family engagement, and so much more.

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Grants and Scholarships Quick Links

About Our Grant Program

APS is the largest school district in the state, among the largest in the nation, and has been the central source for public education in the Albuquerque community for decades.  APS strives to create excellence in public education and serves every child that walks through the door.

Our grant awards have grown significantly since the Horizons Campaign was launched in 2010. Where we once funded only small grants in STEM, literacy and fine arts, our efforts have grown to include small and large impact grants in various focus areas.  Each year we directly fund the programs and projects developed by the educators of Albuquerque Public Schools.

ONLY ONE GRANT CYCLE:   This year 2024-2025 there will be only one grant cycle, opening in September and closing in October. 

Discretionary, Pepsi, Learning & Leadership, Varsity Field Trip, and Garden awards may be applied for on an ongoing basis through June 30, 2025, until funds are expended.


Grant Opportunities (English)

Grant Opportunities (Espanol/Spanish)

Who Can Apply for Grants

  • Only APS employees may submit applications. 
  • Traditional and magnet schools are eligible to apply.

Where to Find More Information

  • Grant Portal for APS Employees (Google Site): Employees can learn more about the grant and scholarship application process. Please ensure that you are logged into Google with your APS login in order to view this site.
  • Funding Map (Tableau): Find who and what has been funded last year and so far during the 2023-2024 school year.

To Submit A Grant Evaluation

  • To submit your grant evaluation contact . Evaluations are accepted after the grant has been implemented and are requested every May.

Our Grants and Scholarships

For More Information:

For questions or more information about APS Education Foundation grants or scholarships, contact the APS Education Foundation Grant Manager, by email at .