School Counseling Services
School counselors are able to provide brief, short-term, solution focused counseling. They are trained to meet social and emotional needs and assist families seeking resources for long-term therapeutic support.
K-12 School Counseling Services
Elementary, middle, K-8 and high school counselors support all students in the following ways:
Direct Student Services
- Classroom instruction
- Individual and small group counseling
- Crisis Response
- Academic support
Indirect Student Services
- Consultation and collaboration with parents and staff
- Referrals and resources
- Health and Wellness Team Meetings - school based teams that work together with teachers and/or parents to address health and mental health needs
In addition, APS also has Crossroads counselors and College and Career Readiness counselors.
High School Crossroads Counselors
Crossroads counselors provide a substance use prevention and intervention program primarily for high school students.
Services are delivered by licensed school counselors with training and experience in the field of substance use. They include:
- Individual counseling
- Family support
- Education and outreach on substance use and misuse
- Referrals and resources for more intensive services as needed
Middle School Crossroads Counselors
Vision: Students who are self-aware, self-regulated, resilient, healthy decision makers.
Mission: To provide substance use education and support to students, staff, and families that guides students toward gaining and maintaining healthy mindsets, skills and habits throughout life.
Services Include:
- Student substance use/misuse education
- Nicotine and vape education
- Family education and community resource support
- School staff education and consultation on substance use/misuse
- Post Overdose Response Team (PORT)
College and Career Readiness Counselors (CCRCs)
CCRCs support, guide and provide resources to students to prepare them for higher education or a skilled profession in the workplace.
Services include:
- Classroom and group education about college and career readiness topics
- Individual college and career support
- FAFSA completion assistance
Who To Contact For Services
If you need school counseling services, please contact your school counselor.