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KB1 Student and Parent/Guardian Rights and Responsibilities

The Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) Board of Education believes a child’s successful education is the result of a collaborative effort among parents/guardians, individuals with caregiver authorization, students, and school staff. To support this shared effort, we recognize each party in this partnership has rights and responsibilities to promote academic success. The following identification of these rights and responsibilities is a general list to provide guidelines and is not intended to be comprehensive or all-inclusive.  It is the APS Board of Education’s objective to list and communicate these rights and responsibilities in a format that is convenient and accessible for students, parents/guardians and individuals with caregiver authorization.

School Relationship and Communication: Rights

Student/Parents/Guardians and individuals with caregiver authorization, in their relationship with schools, have the right:

  • To a school environment that is safe and supportive of learning
  • To be treated with courtesy and respect by all staff
  • To a mutually supportive and respectful partnership with the school
  • To be informed in advance about school rules, school calendars, activities, attendance policies, dress codes, and procedures for visiting the school
  • To be notified on a timely basis of an absence from school
  • To be notified promptly about disciplinary action and to have rules enforced in a consistent manner
  • To be included in educational decisions
  • To expect school outreach ensuring all families have opportunities to participate, including those for whom English is not their primary language
  • To opportunities to participate in the instructional process, including but not limited to engaging in school-scheduled events and established activities intended to promote engagement such as: Parent Teacher Associations, Instructional Councils, and Community School programs
  • To receive timely communication regarding school and district events or to be informed of where events are posted on the school or district website
  • To receive communication from the school in their home language or have access to translation of all materials to the greatest extent possible
  • To have access to all educational records of a school district concerning their child in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • To question anything in their child’s educational records that they believe is inaccurate, misleading, or an invasion of privacy in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

School Relationship and Communication: Responsibilities

Student/Parents/Guardians and individuals with caregiver authorization, in their relationship with schools, have the responsibility:

  • To support school personnel as partners in the student’s education, being mindful of courtesy and respect
  • To support school, district, and classroom rules for student behavior and work together to promote a positive and safe school climate
  • To collaborate in decisions related to the student’s education
  • To promote and follow school rules and procedures
  • To take care of school materials and facilities
  • To review communications from the school
  • To supply accurate, updated information (including current address and telephone numbers) to the school
  • To monitor their child’s progress and communicate with the child’s teacher(s)
  • To become informed about the school’s policies and programs through review of school and district student handbooks

Academic Success: Rights

Student/Parents/Guardians and individuals with caregiver authorization, in order to support high academic achievement for their children, have the right:

  • To expect a rigorous and high quality instructional program
  • To expect textbooks, materials, and supplies that reinforce a high quality, rigorous learning environment
  • To expect qualified teachers to follow the APS staff handbook, as well as policies and procedural directives
  • To visit their child’s classrooms in accordance with school policies and procedures
  • To receive information concerning the academic performance standards, proficiencies or skills their child is expected to accomplish
  • To have access to school performance data
  • To request clarification about their child’s curriculum materials and assignments in accordance with district and school policies and procedures
  • To receive timely information and assistance from school personnel regarding their child’s academic progress and well-being
  • To be informed of the appropriate school personnel to contact if problems arise regarding their child’s academic progress and/or well-being and process for addressing concerns
  • To receive information about, and to agree or deny permission, concerning psychological testing involving their child in accordance with federal and state law
  • To expect their child receives a full day of education or instruction (as legally defined)
  • To meet with their child’s teacher according to school policies and procedures

Academic Success: Responsibilities

Student/Parents/Guardians and individuals with caregiver authorization, in order to support high academic achievement for their children, promote the following in collaboration with staff:

  • The importance of attending school every day
  • Being at school and in class on time, and prepared to learn
  • Learning that takes place in the classroom and at home to include homework
  • Engagement in literacy and numeracy activities with their child
  • High expectations of learning for their child
  • Communication with the student’s teacher and review progress in the APS student information systems

Board of Education Member:

  • Board of Education, President

Administrative Position:

  • Executive Director, Board of Education Services Office
  • Chief of Schools
  • Assistant Superintendent for Equity and Support


Legal Ref:

  • §22-5-4 NMSA 1978, Local school boards; powers; duties.
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. Section 1232(g)
  • §32A-6A-14, 15 NMSA 1978, Consent for services; children under fourteen years of age
  • §24-7A-6.2 NMSA 1978, Consent to health care for certain minors fourteen years of age or older
  • 40-10B-15 NMSA 1978, NM Caregiver Authorization Affidavit

Board Policy Cross Ref:

Procedural Directive Ref:

NSBA/NEPN Classification:  KBBA

Introduced: June 6, 2022
Adopted: November 16, 2022

This page was last updated on: December 1, 2022.