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Board Member Support and Services September 2018 Revision

Notice: This policy was reviewed, revised, and/or renamed. We provide this revision for historic purposes only. Please see our current policies and procedural directives.

Board of Education Services Office

The Board Services Office is responsible for creating the legal records and minutes required of board actions. The Board Services Office staff is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the office and the duties related to running an efficient office, interacting with the public, and most importantly, serving the needs of the board members.

The board has an office suite located in the district’s administrative services building. The board has access to a full-time director and staff who support daily board operations. The staff will handle most administrative and logistical support that is required for board members for board business. The staff assists with the scheduling and set-up of meetings and with the production and distribution of pre-meeting materials. 

Part of the political process of being a board member is the demand on time and requests to solve problems for constituents. To help separate the instructional process in schools from outside non-instructional requests, the Board Services Office, the Student Service Center, and the Communications Office are available to help get answers to most problems. The superintendent minimally should be copied on questions and complaints that are directed to departments or staff.

To assist with the daily communication of board members, the following are available to individual board members:

  • A  laptop computer and personal APS e-mail account, which is managed by the board member
  • e-mail account for public constituent communication, which is managed by the Board Services Office
  • Internet access through the district-filtered network
  • Limited  technical support from district staff for set-up and troubleshooting questions
  • A cell phone upon request
  • Board and individual letterhead and business cards for APS Board of Education business
  • Each board member is automatically a member of the Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS), National School Boards Association (NSBA) and the New Mexico School Boards Association, which offer many networking and training opportunities

The Board Services Office and staff are not used to perform personal and non-APS business on behalf of individual board members.

Building Access

Board members have access to the Alice and Bruce King Educational Complex and to the Board Services Office.  When entering the building after regular working hours, board members should either call Security at 889-4870 to let them know when you enter and leave the building or sign in and check out at the front desk. 

Constituent Correspondence Process

Constituents contact the Board Services Office with concerns, questions and comments through phone calls, emails, letters, in-person visits and meetings.  Each concern and question is researched in an effort to help find resolution.  Comments as well as information about the concerns and questions are passed on to board members and the appropriate staff.

Board Member Biography

Board members provide a short, accurate, updated biography to the Board Services Office to be used on the website, with the media and the Communication Office.

Board Member Photo

The Board Services Office maintains current photographs of each board member and a group photo.  A framed photo of individual board members is placed on a designated wall in the John Milne Community Board Room.  Individual or group photos also may be displayed in other public places.

Media Relations

Board members have some resources when dealing with the media:

  • refer media inquiries to the Communications Office
  • defer answering media inquiries and contact the Communications Office for an update or for information about the issue prior to responding
  • respond to an inquiry and then notify the Communications Office of the response

Board members do not speak “for the board” outside of board meetings unless designated by the board as the spokesperson. If a board member chooses to comment, the board member needs to make it clear that the comment is a personal statement, not the board position. The official statement or position of the board is through a public vote on an issue.

Local news media representatives are welcome to attend all regular or special meetings of the board with the exception of executive sessions. In the event that representatives of the news media are unable to attend a regular or special meeting, they are welcome to review the minutes of the meeting and talk with the Communications Office.

Board of Education Member:    

  • Policy and Instruction Committee Chair

Department Director:                  

  • Board of Education Services Office Executive Director


Legal Cross Ref.:                               

  • §22-5-4 NMSA 1978

Board Policy Cross Ref.:                   

  • BH – Board of Education Communication 
  • BH1 - Board of Education Electronic Communications  
  • BI – Board of Education Member Services

Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:

NSBA/NEPN Classification:        BD

Introduced: November 11, 2015
Adopted: November 18, 2015
Reviewed: September 12, 2018
Revised: September 19, 2018

This page was last updated on: January 11, 2016.