Skills, Habits, and Mindsets Student Survey
Twice-yearly survey measures how students feel at school and how they deal with challenges.
As we work to improve outcomes for our students we recognize that to be successful we must provide a learning environment where they are welcomed and challenged, a place where they feel they belong.
We also recognize that while literacy and math skills are vital for our kids’ futures, so, too, are those soft skills that employers are increasingly looking for, things like perseverance, self-regulation, social awareness, and confidence in one’s ability to achieve a goal.
In the spirit of ensuring that we’re providing a welcoming environment and that our students are developing the soft skills they will need to be successful in life, we will be launching a new survey in November. We’re calling it the APS Skills, Habits, and Mindsets Student Survey.
- It will be given twice a year to students in third- through twelfth-grade.
- The survey will contain a series of questions aimed at gauging how students feel when they are at school and how they deal with challenges when they encounter them.
- Responses will be accessible to school staff, but there will be no public disclosure that identifies any students
Our hope is that these surveys will provide us with an accurate picture of the environment at each of our schools and such things as how our students feel about their ability to keep working toward a goal even if they experience a setback. We will use the information we get to improve the work we’re doing in this area. Future surveys will tell us whether we are making progress and whether there’s a particular area we need to focus on.