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COVID-19 Updates for APS

The COVID guidelines below were for the 2020-2021 school year. New guidelines for the 2021-2022 school year are being determined by APS and will be posted as soon they are available.

All APS schools reopened for in-person learning on April 5.

COVID-19 Updates Links

NMDOH Vaccine Updates

APS Students who are 12 and over can get the COVID vaccine. A parent/guardian does NOT need to be present for the vaccination, but they do need to sign a consent form.

  1. Register with the New Mexico Department of Health.
  2. Download and save the consent form to your computer:
  3. Fill out the consent form, print, sign, and bring to the vaccine appointment. 

All Albuquerque Public Schools students, from preschoolers to seniors in high school, are welcome to return to their schools if they choose beginning Monday, April 5. Families have the option of continuing remote learning through the remainder of the school year.

Students who choose to head back to the classroom will be expected to be on campus five days a week following their school’s normal bell schedule from Monday, April 5, through Tuesday, May 25, the last day of school.

Should a student choose to return to school for in-person learning, please know that the health and safety of APS students and staff is a top priority.

School will look and feel quite a bit different due to the pandemic. 

Important Links

This page was last updated on: February 25, 2021.