Choice Check: AVID
Advancement Via Individual Determination
What is AVID
AVID, which stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is now offered at 9 APS high schools, 20 middle schools, and 2 K-8 schools. AVID strategies also are taught in 24 APS elementary schools.
AVID provides a support structure for typically lower-income, under-served students who often are the first in their families to attend college. These students show academic potential, with average to high test scores, good grade point averages, and a desire and determination to succeed in school. The mission of AVID is to prepare these students for college, career, and success in a global society.
Why AVID Works
AVID places students in a rigorous curriculum and gives them the support to succeed through positive peer identification, trained teachers who serve as student advocates, and adult professional and college tutors who visit classrooms weekly to facilitate small-group discussions.
AVID's curriculum is based on
- Rigorous standards
- WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading)
- Cornell note-taking
- Socratic Seminars
AVID succeeds by
- Developing students as readers and writers
- Teaching specific strategies for critical thinking and higher-level inquiry
- Providing support so that students can meet high expectations
- Influencing the belief system, culture, and instructional strategies of a campus
- Providing meaningful and motivating professional development
AVID supports by
- Advancement Via Individual Determination
- Preparing for College Readiness
- Accelerate, Not Remediate
- Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, Reading
- In-Class Tutoring
- Grit, Resilience, Growth Mindset
- College Field Trips
More Information
- Visit the APS AVID website
- Visit the national AVID website
- Call (505) 884-9582
- Check with your child's school about AVID classes.