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Versifit Reports List

Find information about the types of Versifit Reports available.

Versifit Reports

Current as of August 29, 2018; located under the ‘Reports’ section in Versifit. These reports are available to school and district administrators. Have a question about any of the following reports? Email

AIP Eligibility Report

Looks at assessment scores (PARCC ELA, Math and IStation) to determine student AIP eligibility. Data included are basic student demographics (Name, school, grade, gender, race, ESL indicator, SPED indicator) PARCC scale scores, performance levels, and Istation Tier.

Drop Out

Listing of students, by school year, who may have dropped out according to leave reason in Synergy. Data included are Student name, ID, current grade level, withdraw code and reason. Also included are all contact information for the student (primary, secondary and emergency).

Feeds To

Displays incoming (K, 6th, 9th) /outgoing (5th, and 8th grade) students who have a future enrollment at an APS school location, for the following school year. Data included are basic student demographics, current school, projected school, projected grade level, math and reading quartile designations, most recent ELA and Math course grades, PARCC scores, i-Ready scores, W-APT and ACCESS scores.

Placement Report

Used for student placement in math and ELA courses. Similar to the 'Feeds To' report but includes all students expected at a school location for the following school year. Includes absences data for current and previous school year in addition to all other 'Feeds To' data, listed above.

Early Warning Report

Students who may be at risk for dropping out according to the Johns Hopkins model. Indicators are defined as:

  1. Student must be enrolled for at least ten days
  2. Attendance flag/indicator is TRUE if the student goes below 90 percent for Days Present / Days Enrolled
  3. Behavior flag/indicator is TRUE if student has one or more in- or out-of-school suspensions
  4. Course flag/indicator is TRUE if student has two core course grades equal to, or, below a D

Math Placement Report

Requested by Assessment Team; used to place student in the appropriate math course based off of # of absences, math course and grade for current and past 2 school years, most recent PARCC and previous year PARCC scores, winter and spring i-Ready scores for the current school year and previous school year, most recent Math Quartile designation. Also included are basic student demographics.

This page was last updated on: April 10, 2018.