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Language & Cultural Equity Information for Parents

Language and Cultural Equity information for parents.

We Recommend

CCSS en español

¡Colorín Colorado!

This bilingual website is great for families with beginning readers and English language learners. Visit ¡Colorín Colorado!

LCE YouTube Channel

Please visit our LCE YouTube channel and don’t forget to bookmark this page. While visiting our YouTube, please enjoy these read aloud videos from Language and Cultural Equity’s “Read at Home Backpacks” which were distributed to students in bilingual programs. We have also included engaging student lessons that your student would benefit from during this time.

LCE Book Read-Alouds Available!

 Below you will find Read-Aloud videos based on Language and Cultural Equity’s “Read at Home Backpacks.” Videos are added on a monthly basis! These Read-Alouds are connect to Lesson Plans which teachers are welcome to use in their classroom.

LCE Online Family Resources

Language and Cultural Equity has created a list of resources available to families to support ongoing educational needs for our Bilingual program students as well as our English Language Developing students.

Information on Bilingual, English Language Development Programs and Alternative Language Services

APS offers Alternative Language Services for our students. All schools provide ELD (English Language Development) services which are designed to help students acquire academic English. Some of our schools provide bilingual programs which are designed to develop bilingualism/biliteracy. Learn more about Schools and ALS Models.

English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA)

 ACCESS 2.0 for ELL is given annually and is the instrument used in New Mexico to determine the English language proficiency levels of our students. The ACCESS test assesses the four domains of English language acquisition: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

APS offers ACCESS tests for our students.

This page was last updated on: August 8, 2011.