School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
Research shows that healthy children do better in school - from attendance and behavior to academics and overall performance. The APS School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) works with the district to help school communities support wellness and academic achievement.
What is SHAC?
A SHAC is a district advisory council. It is made up of parents, students, community members, and school staff working together to improve the health of all students and families through coordinated school wellness programs.
APS Promotes the Coordinated School Health Model:
Why Do We Need a SHAC?
- It's a state mandate
- Healthy children learn better
- Schools play an important role in teaching healthy habits
- Healthy homes and healthy schools support healthy children
How Can I Help?
Join and attend meetings of the APS SHAC and your school SHAC. Become active in supporting district initiatives to create healthy learning environments for all of our children.
What is a Coordinated School Wellness Program?
The 8 interactive components of a coordinated school wellness program include:
- Nutrition
- Physical Education & Activity
- Health Education & Life Skills
- Family, School & Community Partnership
- Staff Wellness
- Healthy & Safe Environment
- Social & Emotional Well-Being
- Health Services
A Coordinated School Wellness Program utilizes personnel, agencies, and programs, both in and out of the school building, which relate to student and staff wellness and success in school.