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Accessibility Training

APS Web Team Accessibility Training

The APS Web Team offers accessibility training. This course is required in order to  become a department or school webmaster. If you are interested in taking this course, or learning more, please contact the Web Team through the Get Web Help form.


WebAim offers accessible documents training, which includes MSWord, PowerPoint, Acrobat. New classes start on the first Monday of each month. The course is an independent, self-paced course, must be completed in 60 days, and costs $125.

Microsoft Office Accessibility Training

    Siteimprove Academy

    Siteimprove is a WCAG 2.0 compliancy optimization platform. As a Siteimprove account holder, APS webmasters have access to Siteimprove Academy. To get started, request a user account through the Get Web Help form. The course pathways you will have access to once your account is setup include:

    • Accessibility for Content Contributors and Designers
    • Accessibility for Leadership
    • Accessibility for Web Developers
    • Web Fundamentals: Accessibility, Analytics, and SEO

    Web Accessibility by Google via Udacity

    While the Web Accessibility by Google course is free, you will need to sign-in using the Google button at the bottom of the page. Click on the following lessons within the course to get started:

    LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda)

    LinkedIn Learning, is a paid online learning platform compromised of videos. To get started with, purchase a LinkedIn Learning account. Some of the videos LinkedIn Learning offers are:

    General Accessibility

    Website Accessibility

    Document Accessibility

    Instructional Design


    This page was last updated on: April 28, 2020.