GB7 Whistleblower Complaints
The Board of Education shall not permit unlawful or unethical behavior by district employees. Albuquerque Public Schools shall provide employees and the community a means to confidentially file, in good faith without fear of retaliation, whistleblower complaints regarding such conduct. These complaints shall be fully investigated by the superintendent and/or by his/her designee.
The superintendent shall develop an administrative procedural directive to implement this policy.
Administrative Position:
- Chief Operations Officer/Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Department Director:
- Director of Internal Audit/Executive Director of Staffing and Employee Relations
Legal Cross Ref.:
- §10-16C-1 et. seq. NMSA 1978
Board Policy Cross Ref.:
Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:
NSBA/NEPN Classification: GBEBA
Approved: September 3, 2003
Reviewed: July 12, 2011
Reviewed: December 14, 2011
Reviewed: May 1, 2012
Revised: May 2, 2012