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Honors and Advanced Placement Programs - March 2010 Revision

Notice: This policy was reviewed, revised, and/or renamed. We provide this revision for historic purposes only. Please see our current policies and procedural directives.

The Honors/Advanced Placement curriculum offers a challenging program for all students. Courses are based on the College Board course description guidelines. These classes provide students with an emphasis on critical thinking skills, college preparatory experiences, and opportunities to take Advanced Placement examinations and possibly earn college credits. Students who choose these courses will be taking the most academically demanding courses the district offers. Students should receive career guidance and course planning assistance; so, they do not take more Honors/ AP courses than they can comfortably handle. The district supports open access to all Honors/Advanced Placement courses. There are no prerequisites for any of these courses, and students willing to take on the challenge of the Honors/Advanced Placement coursework should be nurtured and supported.

Prior to the incoming 2005-2006 freshmen, students are limited to 16 semesters of Honor/AP courses in math and English. Beginning with the incoming 2005-2006 freshmen, students are not limited in the number or content areas of Honor/AP courses they select.

Weighted Grade Increment

To recognize student achievement, courses recognized by the College Board as Advanced Placement (AP) and courses designated as Honors by the district will be awarded a weighted grade increment.

A student may take a comparable non-weighted course (as determined by standards alignment) to replace a grade received in a weighted course, but will not be awarded the weighted increment.

Note: Only honors math classes are available to students prior to ninth grade.

Out-of-District Students

Students from outside the district transferring into an APS high school will receive weighted grade credit only for recognized AP courses or for courses designated on the transcript as weighted honors courses.

Grades carrying weighted increments may be transferred only from a state and regionally accredited school that has a system for assigning greater credit to designated honors or

AP courses than to other non-honors courses. The sending school’s honors courses must adhere to an Advanced Placement curriculum or be part of a sequence leading to an Advanced Placement examination. Exceptions may be made if the sending school’s honors curriculum is based on International Baccalaureate (IB) requirements.

Honors credit taken prior to full-time high school enrollment must appear on the transcript as high school credit.

In awarding honors increments to transferring students, the APS Table of Weighted Credit for AP/Honors Courses will be used regardless of the weighting system used in the previous district. (See APS Table of Weighted Credit for AP/Honors Courses.)

Guidelines for Establishing Honors/Advanced Placement Programs

Requests for honors or AP designation must be pursued through the approved planning procedure prior to implementation. Advanced planning should take place at least one year before implementation. The program will be developed in conjunction with curriculum representatives from the high schools. The College Board Advanced Placement Course Description booklets will serve as guidelines in planning and developing new courses. The High School Curriculum Board must approve the course. The school is responsible for resource allocation (i.e. teachers, facilities, equipment, and supplies). Honors and Advanced Placement courses are academically rigorous and require active student engagement.

Cross Ref.:

  • Board Policy I.01: Instructional Program
  • APS Table of Weighted Credit for AP/Honors Courses

NSBA/NEPN Classification: IHCC

Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997
Revised: November 2004
Revised: November 2006
Revised: June 2007
Revised: November 2007

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.