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Library-Media: Disposition of Outdated or Damaged Materials January 2001

Notice: This policy was reviewed, revised, and/or renamed. We provide this revision for historic purposes only. Please see our current policies and procedural directives.

This procedural directive was updated January 2023.

All obsolete, damaged or worn-out library-media print/non-print materials are to be identified by library-media staff. The following procedures must be adhered to before any disposition of obsolete, damaged, or worn-out library-media materials may be made:


Apply the approved APS Instructional Procedural Directive selection criteria process for discarding any library-media print-non-print materials. Material still relevant to the study of the Southwest or other instructional materials of possible historical value, should be carefully reviewed. Southwest and historical items for disposal are to be removed from the school inventory and transferred to the District Library-Media Technical Services. Materials of true historical value should be examined in conjunction with the District Coordinator of Library Services.

Adjust school library-media records when discarding items by reconciliation on Library Automation Program.

Fill out forms updating computer inventory provided by Library-Media Technical Services, listing the control number of the discarded items. Send Library-Media Technical Services the list of discard numbers.

Remove all APS identification from the materials being discarded. Obliterate any spine book labels or identification that refers to the District or school with a black permanent marker. Stamp "Discard" on all library-media material being discarded.

Discarded items may be separated into those obsolete, worn-out, or damaged. Notify school staff of the availability of these items. Such items may be used for cutting out pictures, making charts, and for other instructional purposes, such as bulletin board materials.

Notify students that certain appropriate outdated items are available, free of charge. (World War II books, car magazines, Better Homes & Gardens, Seventeen, etc.)

After steps E and F have been met, dispose of all remaining items.

When a school is closed, the library collection will be distributed to other locations designated by the Superintendent.

Cross Ref.: Board Policy D.06

Procedural Directive: Textbook Disposal

NSBA/NEPN Classification: DN

Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997
Reviewed: January 1, 2001

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.