Instructional Materials Adoption Selection Process - June 2002 Revision
Notice: This policy was reviewed, revised, and/or renamed. We provide this revision for historic purposes only. Please see our current policies and procedural directives.
Adoption Process Guidelines
The District Instructional Materials Selection Process will provide schools with direction and guidelines to assist in making informed decisions regarding the selection and purchase of instructional materials.
This process includes the development of district guidelines that addresses the following:
- Correlation of instructional materials with the district curriculum.
- Development of a district resource list from which schools and teachers can make consumer-wise decisions.
- Collaboration and equity to publishers and schools to have access to instructional materials available for purchase.
- Opportunity for K-12 articulation to discuss student needs and the relationship to available instructional materials.
- Ethical guidelines governing publisher/district contacts and business relationships.
District coordination of procedures will occur through the development of an organizational plan that includes:
- Providing schools access to sample materials to review,
- Establishing general timelines for the process,
- Scheduling publisher presentations and access for the schools,
- Establishing and clarifying the roles of school-based personnel in the process.
Procedures and guidelines will be approved by the Assistant Superintendent responsible for curriculum and instruction. Upon approval, they will be distributed to district instructional units, school personnel and publishers. the procedures may not be changed during the Instructional Materials Selection Process unless written recommendation is submitted to the Assistant Superintendent responsible for curriculum and instruction and approved by the Assistant Superintendent.
Field Testing/Piloting
All field testing and piloting of instructional materials must be approved according to District procedure. (Refer to directive on Textbook Pilots/Field Test.)
Public Review of Instructional Materials Being Reviewed for Possible Purchase
The Coordinator of Instructional Materials Adoption will maintain a display of sample instructional materials being considered for purchase. These materials will be available for review on site by public school personnel, parents and members of the community. The Coordinator of
Instructional Materials Adoption will publicize information concerning the viewing of instructional materials to school personnel and the community via the Community Relations Office.
School-Level Review of Instructional Materials Being Considered for Purchase
The district, in collaboration with school personnel representatives, will develop a plan for ensuring broad-based, school-level involvement in reviewing the instructional materials being considered for purchase. Issues concerning sampling and field level evaluation must be addressed in this plan.
Final Approval of Materials to be Purchased
Schools, through site-based management procedures, will select and order instructional materials to appropriately meet the needs of the students in their school community.
Notification of Selections of Instructional Materials
Schools will order instructional materials based on district curriculum and student needs. The district will compile a list of purchased materials to notify all publishers who submitted instructional material for the process.
Funding of Adopted Instructional Materials
Funding of instructional materials in a given instructional area will include the basic textbook series/kinds of books, technology and instructional materials necessary for delivering the state and district curriculum. Schools may purchase any content materials with their state Instructional Materials allocation with the understanding that the opportunity to purchase the specific content area adoption will not be possible for six years. School Instructional Materials allocations are based on dissemination of funding to the district from the state. This funding includes replacement of instructional materials that are lost, destroyed, or stolen, as well as instructional materials needed for opening new schools. In the years where there is more than one major adoption, principals will establish guidelines for each content area adoption based on the number of students in each instructional program. Yearly budget should include adequate funding to replace textbooks and materials that are lost, destroyed, or stolen, as well as textbooks and materials for new classrooms added to the school.
Ordering of Instructional Materials
All schools K-12 will order instructional materials for each content area to support the district curriculum. Schools will place orders to meet deadlines designated by the District Materials Management Office.
Implementation of Instructional Materials
It is the responsibility of individual school principals to ensure that the instructional materials which support the District program are used in their schools. Planning for implementation of these materials should be developed by district personnel, principals, and teachers.
Cross Ref.: Board Policy I.06: School Volunteers
NSBA/NEPN Classification: IJJ
Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997
Revised: June 2002