ARCHIVED Bell Schedules
Notice: This policy was reviewed, revised, and/or renamed. We provide this revision for historic purposes only. Please see our current policies and procedural directives.
This procedural directive was archived on January 2023.
The start and end time (bell schedule) for all students at each school will be the same except in the following circumstances:
- individual student schedule as determined by the student’s IEP team;
- individual student schedule choice; or
- safety.
If safety is an issue, the following procedures will be implemented:
- a site analysis by the site administrator to identify the safety concerns;
- APS District Administration will direct the Bus Loading and Unloading Zone (BLUZ) Team to investigate and make recommendations to the District Administration;
- District Administration will present the BLUZ Team recommendation to the School Board for information at a regularly scheduled School Board meeting.
Cross Ref.:
- Board Policy I.01: Instructional Program
- Abbreviated Day Schedule directive
- Emergency Dismissals directive
- School Schedule Guidelines
Revised: October 2006
This page was last updated on:
December 9, 2009.