Section 504/ADA Compliance: Employees - January 2016 Revision
Notice: This policy was reviewed, revised, and/or renamed. We provide this revision for historic purposes only. Please see our current policies and procedural directives.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance. This procedural directive was reviewed and revised in July 2021. We provide this revision for historic purposes only.
For purposes of this procedural directive, “supervisor” means the person having responsibility for daily supervision and/or for evaluating the job performance of an employee of the district.
For purposes of this procedural directive, “American with Disabilities Act coordinator” is the director of the Office of Equal Opportunity Services.
Employment Practices
Notice of the Board of Education’s policy on non-discrimination in employment practices shall be posted through annual newspaper notices, posted on the Albuquerque Public Schools website, posted throughout the district, and published in any district statement regarding the availability of employment positions.
Information regarding the district’s policy on non-discrimination in employment practices shall be provided to potential employees in recruitment and interview settings.
In the planning of training sessions for employees, availability of training sessions (including physical access to the training site) shall not be limited so as to discriminate against employees with disabilities.
In determining hiring, transfer or promotion of employees, placement shall not be determined or influenced by any employee’s disabling condition. It is the prerogative of the employer, however, to determine office, classroom, or other area of work based on already accessible work areas.
Each job description shall be written to:
- Identify any environmental factors that may create a barrier for a person with a disability;
- Ensure that all essential physical, mental and intellectual qualifications have been defined and justified;
- Identify the types of abilities which would qualify a person to fulfill the essential functions of a job.
Albuquerque Public Schools shall make reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified employee with a disability, unless the district can demonstrate that the accommodation would impose undue hardship on the operation of its program and activity for employees that includes, but is not limited to:
- Modifications or adjustments to a job application process;
- employment policies that enable a qualified individual with a disability to be considered for the position;
- the work environment;
- making facilities used by employees readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities;
- job restructuring including in a way in which the job is customarily performed and part-time or modified work schedules ;
- acquisition or modification of equipment or devices; and
- the provision of readers or interpreters and other similar actions
The district shall not use employment tests or other selection criteria that tend to screen out persons with disabilities unless those criteria are demonstrably job related.
Reasonable Accommodation Requests/Procedures
An employee who believes he/she requires a reasonable accommodation to meet the essential functions of the job may request a reasonable accommodation.
The employee shall submit a written request for reasonable accommodation accompanied by documentation of the condition for which the reasonable accommodation is being requested, which may qualify as a disability. The type of documentation required shall depend on the disability and can be, among others, medical, psychological or diagnostic. Employees shall receive the accommodation while employed with the district. The accommodation may be updated if the employee provides new medical documentation.
When the written request for reasonable accommodation is complete and submitted to the site supervisor, that supervisor shall contact the district Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator, who is housed in the Office of Equal Opportunity Services. The coordinator shall explore options and determine appropriate action.
- At no time prior to this contact shall the supervisor agree to a specific accommodation or make a financial commitment to the employee.
- Options may include, but are not limited to, the development of an employee reasonable accommodation plan, physical access request, further medical clarification, job restructuring and/or transfer.
- When the necessary accommodation is complicated or requires district funding, Finance, Facilities Construction and Design or any other appropriate department may be contacted for assistance. Any consideration of job restructuring or transfer shall be done in consultation with the Human Resources Department.
The Process
- An employee may advise his/her supervisor of a condition which may qualify as a disability for which he or she requires accommodation.
- The employee or supervisor contacts the Office of Equal Opportunity Services (EOS).
- In order that EOS has a clear understanding of the potential needs of the employee, EOS shall provide the forms to the employee to document the accommodation request and, if necessary, to authorize a release of medical information to EOS. Forms also shall be provided to the employee’s physician, or other licensed diagnostic professional, to rate the employee’s ability to perform the duties and essential functions and responsibilities of his or her position, if necessary. The forms shall be based on the job description on file in the APS Human Resources office.
- When all necessary forms have been completed and returned to EOS, the forms shall be reviewed to determine whether the employee is a “qualified disabled individual” as defined by the ADA.
- EOS shall take every step necessary to ensure that there is an interactive process and that only accommodations that can reasonably be expected to afford the qualified individual with a disability an opportunity to enjoy benefits and privileges of employment equal to those available to a similarly-situated employee without a disability and attain the same level of job performance as co-works with similar skills and abilities.
- If accommodations involve job modifications, EOS shall meet with the appropriate staffing specialist in APS Human Resources Department to discuss whether the accommodations meet the definition of reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA.
- EOS shall then schedule a meeting with the employee and supervisor, if necessary, as a part of the interactive process to discuss possible and appropriate accommodations.
- If it is determined that the employee is a qualified individual with a disability who can perform the essential functions of his or her position but requires an accommodation, a plan shall be developed at the meeting to provide reasonable accommodations, as appropriate.
- If equipment is needed, EOS shall order the equipment.
- When physical access needs arise in conjunction with the ADA Accommodation Plan which cannot be met by means available at the job site, EOS or the site administrator shall submit a Physical Access Request form to the physical access specialist at Facilities Design and Construction. The physical access specialist shall make a site visit, in consultation with EOS if appropriate, to explore needs and options for a solution. The physical access specialist shall notify EOS, if deemed appropriate, of the most reasonable solution.
- Accommodations involving job modification or other employment related concerns shall be managed by the site administrator and the appropriate staffing specialist in Human Resources, in consultation with the EOS specialist, following strict procedures.
- Individuals who are deaf and/or hearing impaired may contact the Lead Interpreter to obtain sign language interpreter services. If the individual knows in advance the dates an interpreter will be needed, he or she may make the request for all known dates at the time of the initial contact. Please contact the APS department listed below as soon as you are aware of your need. Requests for interpreters must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the event.
All accommodations agreed upon and initiated shall be documented by the employee’s supervisor and the Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator using the Employee Accommodation form. A copy of this form shall be sent to the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator, who shall maintain confidential records on disability accommodations separate from the Human Resources Department personnel files. No disability records shall be kept in the Human Resources Department personnel files.
Albuquerque Public Schools shall consider all requests for accommodation individually to determine if the request is reasonable and necessary to meet the essential functions of a job.
All accommodation requests require there be an interactive process between the supervisor, employee and the district’s Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator or his/her designee in order to determine if an accommodation can be made.
All employees shall not suggest to an employee in which they supervise, to resign or separate from APS instead of seeking a reasonable accommodation.
When the ADA Accommodation process is concluded by EOS, the requestor shall have ten (10) working days from the date of the notification letter to submit an appeal in writing to the Superintendent. The superintendent shall have fifteen (15) working days from the date of the receipt of the appeal to inform the requestor of the decision in writing. The superintendent may reverse, modify, or affirm the finding of EOS. The superintendent may also return the matter to EOS for additional investigation. After the superintendent's review, the Albuquerque Public Schools shall consider the complaint process concluded.
Administrative Position: Chief of Staff/Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Department Director: Equal Opportunity Services
Board Policy Cross Ref.:
- A.03 Nondiscrimination
- GB Equal Employment with Albuquerque Public Schools
Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:
- Section 504/Americans with Disabilities Act: Physical Access for Students, Parents and Employees with Disabilities
- Section 504/Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance: Students
- Disability Harassment: Students
- Discrimination and Harassment: Students
- Discrimination and Harassment: Employees
Forms Cross Ref.:
- Employee Accommodation Form Physical Access Request Form
NSBA/NEPN Classification: GBA
Revised: May 1995
Revised: February 1996
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997
Revised: May, 2000
Revised: January 2005
Reviewed: August 19, 2011
Revised: October 21, 2011
Reviewed: December 2, 2014
Reviewed: January 13, 2016
Revised: January 15, 2016