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Facilites Master Plan: Review and Update Procedure - February 2010 Revision

Notice: This policy was reviewed, revised, and/or renamed. We provide this revision for historic purposes only. Please see our current policies and procedural directives.

The Facilities Master Plan guides expenditure of capital resources of the district. The dollar amounts for each project are estimated budgets only. Money saved from projects which come in under the anticipated amount will be reallocated to other projects which come in over the estimate. The Review and Update Procedure establishes three methods for meeting the long-range needs of the district and ensuring that commitments and promises are maintained or implemented.

Individual School Committee - Facility/Capital Committee


Principal or Site Manager in collaboration with chairpersons of the School Restructuring Council and/or Site Improvement Team. Parent and/or community member must be a part of the School committee. Appropriate Assistant Superintendent must be part of the Non-School Site committee.


  1. To review the school or site folder and discuss projects with Facilities Master Plan staff. 
  2. To request legitimate changes to the Facilities Master Plan. 
  3. To work with the Facilities Master Plan Staff on updates as required.

Facilities Master Plan Staff


Facilities Master Plan Manager, Facilities Planning and Construction designee, M & O designee, Property Manager, other members as determined by the Facilities Master Plan office. Others may include Facilities Master Plan evaluation team member (generally a contractor), instructional administrative staff member (appointed by the Deputy Superintendent), APS demographer, APS bond counsel or other special knowledge member.


  1. To relay to the school or school community the purpose of the Facilities Master Plan, the method of prioritizing projects and the implementation of projects. 
  2. To review and provide staff recommendations to the Superintendent’s Facilities Master Plan Review Committee on updates to the Master Plan. To be available as the Superintendent presents an updated capital strategy to the Board of Education four months prior to each capital election.
  3. To have administrative authority to approve changes under $150,000 or changes that do not involve a cost increase. (Changes related to growth projects cannot be made administratively.)
  4. To monitor progress of the Facilities Master Plan including capital resources and expenditures, actual growth vs. projected growth, and to report yearly to the Superintendent's Cabinet and the Board of Education.

Superintendent's Facilities Master Plan Review Committee


Appropriate assistant superintendents, four principals, four teachers, and four community members. Members appointed by the Superintendent. This committee represents and reports to the Superintendent.


  1. To review the progress of the Facilities Master Plan with the Facilities Master Plan staff nine months prior to each capital election.
  2. To review all growth-related projects and to allocate resources considering actual growth occurring and programmatic changes that may have occurred
  3. To review all renewal and maintenance programs to ensure that all sites are allocated resources in an equitable manner using consistent decision making criteria.
  4. To meet on an as-needed basis to review any changes to the Facilities Master Plan over $150,000

Procedure For Updating the Facilities Master Plan

Schools that need to reprioritize or change projects in their capital outlay plan should complete the following steps:

  1. Request for changes to the school capital outlay plan should be discussed with the School Facility/Capital Committee. 
  2. Meet with Facilities Planning and Construction Director to review school folder and the purpose of reprioritizing the capital outlay project.
  3. The School must prepare a written request for modification to the capital outlay plan stating: a) Reason for change, b) Alternative proposal, c) How the changes respond to a set of standard "decision rules" (see following section) 
  4. Submit written request to the Facilities Master Plan Office. The request will be reviewed by the Facilities Master Plan Staff.
  5. If the request for change exceeds $150,000, the request will be reviewed at a meeting of the Facilities Master Plan review Committee and a recommendation will be made to the Superintendent regarding the change.

Decision Rules For Schools or Other Sites

In general, changes must stay within the original Facilities Master Plan capital outlay amount for the school.

Changes may be considered for any one or a combination of the following reasons:

  1. Project has already been completed or is in progress. Generally, this situation occurs when matching State or other funds are allocated.
  2. There have been curricular or programmatic changes that require change to the Facilities Master Plan. An example would be full-day kindergarten.
  3. There are newly identified health or safety issues.
  4. An APS funded site master plan or site development plan has generated change to the Facilities Master Plan.

Decision Rules Regarding Growth

All growth projects are subject to yearly review by the Superintendent's Capital Review Committee.

If projected growth has not occurred, then growth dollars will be assigned to other parts of the district requiring these resources.

If growth has occurred or is occurring, strategic options may be considered to accommodate enrollment as defined by Board Policy. These options may include boundary changes and will be presented to the Superintendent.

Facilities Master Plan Projects which MUST be implemented:

  1. Health/Safety
  2. Roofing
  3. HVAC Improvements
  4. Studies Required for District Decision-Making
  5. Structural Improvements as Recommended by Architects, Engineers, Contractors, or Consultants

Cross Ref.:

  • Board Policy F.01

NSBA/NEPN Classification: FB

Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: June 1997

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.