KH1 Advertising in Schools - April 2001 Revision
Notice: This policy was reviewed, revised, and/or renamed. We provide this revision for historic purposes only. Please see our current policies and procedural directives.
The Board of Education supports advertising initiatives that enhance the District goals and objectives. The Superintendent or designee will approve agreements on behalf of the District. Advertising requests that promote alcohol, tobacco, gaming, firearms, political endorsements, controversial products or services, will not be permitted. The District will maintain compliance with all federal and state statutes, rules and regulations.
Procedural Directive Cross Ref:
- Advertising, Gifts and Donations
- Distributing or Posting Promotional Literature
NSBA/NEPN Classification: KHB
Revised: January 17, 1990
Revised: February 20, 1996
Revised: March 1998
Revised: October 1998
Revised: April 2001