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J.04 Enrollment Priorities for Students Under the Open Enrollment Act - January 2003 Revision

Notice: This policy was reviewed, revised, and/or renamed. We provide this revision for historic purposes only. Please see our current policies and procedural directives.

This policy was reviewed and revised in April 2010. We provide this revision for historic purposes only.

Enrollment priorities for students wishing to enroll in APS schools are as follows:

  1. persons residing within the attendance area of the school;
  2. persons who previously attended the school; and
  3. all other applicants.

Enrollment of applicants in the second and third category will be approved at the requested school according to procedures implemented by the Superintendent and in accordance with available programs and classroom space established by the District. In adopting rules governing enrollment, the District may establish additional enrollment preferences for admitting students.

The enrollment preferences may include:

  1. after school child care for students;
  2. child care for siblings of students attending the public school;
  3. children of employees employed at the public school;
  4. extreme hardship;
  5. location of a student's previous school;
  6. siblings of students already attending the public school; and
  7. public safety.

The Superintendent will develop procedures for implementing this policy, that are in conformance with the Public School Code.

Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:

  • Enrollment Priorities for Students Outside School Attendance Boundaries

Legal Ref.:

  • 22-1-4, NMSA 1978

NSBA/NEPN Classification: JFBA

Reviewed: January 17, 1990
Revised: July 10, 1991
Revised: April 2001
Revised: January 2003

This policy was reviewed and revised in April 2010. We provide this revision for historic purposes only.
This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.