I.10 Student Internet Acceptable Use Policy - April 2001 Revision
Notice: This policy was reviewed, revised, and/or renamed. We provide this revision for historic purposes only. Please see our current policies and procedural directives.
This policy was revised in January 2013. We provide this revision for historic purposes only.
The Albuquerque Public School District provides technology resources to its students for educational purposes. The goal of providing these resources is to promote educational excellence.
Proper behavior, as it relates to the use of computers, is no different from proper behavior in all other aspects of APS activities. All users are expected to use the computers and computer networks in a responsible, ethical, and polite manner. Violation of this policy is grounds for school disciplinary action.
Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:Employee Technology Acceptable Use Policy
NSBA/NEPN Classification: IJOA
Approved: November 15, 2000
Revised: April 2001