Public Comment
You are cordially invited to address the APS Board of Education during the Public Comment portion of a regular board meeting which typically occur on the first and third Wednesday of each month.
How to Participate in Public Comment:
The Request to Speak form must be submitted by the start of public forum. Sign up for public forum will begin at 8 a.m. on the day of the meeting. Sign up will close at the start of the meeting.
Step 1: Read the content of this page in its entirety.
- Public Meeting Decorum
- Requesting to Comment
- About the Public Comment Period
- Summary of Expected Behavior
Step 2: Submit Your Request to Speak in the Public Forum.
Public Meeting Decorum
Proper decorum is expected to be followed at all public meetings of the Board of Education. Detailed information regarding expectations of the Board of Education for proper decorum can be read in the Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings procedural directive.
Requesting to Comment
Board of Education meetings will be hybrid meetings with community members and public forum speakers having a choice to attend in person at the John Milne Community Board Room or virtually by accessing the meeting link at Presenters and recognition guests will attend virtually.
- How to submit your request to comment: Public forum speakers will submit a request to speak at Board of Education meetings through an online form.
- When to submit your request to comment: All speakers must sign up prior to the start of the meeting. Sign up for virtual or in-person public forum will begin at 8 a.m. on the day of the meeting and close at the start of the meeting.
- How to join into the meeting: All speakers will be invited into the meeting room with their actual identification and must abide by time restrictions and etiquette expected of public forum.
About the Public Comment Period
- The public comment period is limited to forty-five (45) minutes.
- Generally, your comments will be limited to two (2) minutes but may be shortened to one (1) minute if there are twenty-three (23) or more speakers signed up to speak during public comment to allow more speakers to be heard.
- You must be present in the room either in person or virtually at the time the board recognizes you to speak or you will forfeit your opportunity to speak. Once recognized, a speaker cannot transfer or delegate their time to others.
Summary of Expected Behavior
A summary of expected behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- Directing your comments to the Board of Education
- Addressing the board only at the appropriate time as indicated on the agenda and when recognized by the board president or presiding officer
- The use of posters, banners or other items may be generally acceptable. However, the board president or presiding officer may request speakers and audience members to refrain from using them under certain circumstances listed in the procedural directive
- Identifying oneself and speak within the allotted time available for each individual speaker
- Conducting oneself responsibly, civilly, courteously and with due respect
- Recognizing that the Board encourages you to speak about topics of concern, not personnel believed to be responsible
- If the speaker wishes to distribute documents to the board members, the speaker shall provide the district employee responsible for public forum sign in twelve (12) copies of the documents at the time the speaker signs up to speak
If you fail to comply with expected behavior, the board president or presiding officer shall be authorized to:
- Interrupt you to remind you of proper decorum requirements
- Dismiss you before your time has concluded
- Request you leave the meeting
- Request the assistance of law enforcement officers to remove you from the meeting if you refuse to leave
- Recess or adjourn the meeting as a result of your conduct
- Request law enforcement officers to possibly arrest you or file criminal charges against a speaker who is violation of this procedural directive pursuant to §30-13-1 NMSA 1978